Aug 26, 2017, 02:19 AM
Your Name:
Ban ID:
Banned by:
[L²] Sirwulf
Ban Reason:
Assisting in the moltoving an RP multiple times with no valid reason.
Why should you be unbanned?:
First of all, I know requesting evidence from the logs is a basic courthouse rule, so i won't do that. I still have no proof that i am not guilty of doing this, all i can say is that i didn't but that wouldn't be to much help in this case.
I don't want people to feel bad for me that i got banned because you shouldn't. I should never have sold those molotovs in the first place but i did. And i received a punishment for it. I could go on about the fact that i didn't assist, but if you think about it actually did.
I'm honestly sorry for my behavior that day and the trouble i caused for the players who just wanted to role play by assisting in this. I can now say that i understand that feeling.
For the time i have been banned i have been exploring around the Garry's Mod roleplay community, even moderating and administrating different role-play servers and i have gotten more respect for the staff and actually noticed how much hard work it is to be a staff member on a server and how much shit you have to deal with daily. Creed to the staff for making such a great community.
All i can ask for is another chance, people say ''they've better, they're more mature now'' But i can really say that i'm not as immature as i were before. Now again, I have no proof neither can i ask for logs as proof that i didn't break the rules. It's up to the staff team to decide that i am ready to be unbanned or not.
Ban ID:
Banned by:
[L²] Sirwulf
Ban Reason:
Assisting in the moltoving an RP multiple times with no valid reason.
Why should you be unbanned?:
First of all, I know requesting evidence from the logs is a basic courthouse rule, so i won't do that. I still have no proof that i am not guilty of doing this, all i can say is that i didn't but that wouldn't be to much help in this case.
I don't want people to feel bad for me that i got banned because you shouldn't. I should never have sold those molotovs in the first place but i did. And i received a punishment for it. I could go on about the fact that i didn't assist, but if you think about it actually did.
I'm honestly sorry for my behavior that day and the trouble i caused for the players who just wanted to role play by assisting in this. I can now say that i understand that feeling.
For the time i have been banned i have been exploring around the Garry's Mod roleplay community, even moderating and administrating different role-play servers and i have gotten more respect for the staff and actually noticed how much hard work it is to be a staff member on a server and how much shit you have to deal with daily. Creed to the staff for making such a great community.
All i can ask for is another chance, people say ''they've better, they're more mature now'' But i can really say that i'm not as immature as i were before. Now again, I have no proof neither can i ask for logs as proof that i didn't break the rules. It's up to the staff team to decide that i am ready to be unbanned or not.