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Welcome to the confession booth.
Here we will store all your confessions of the past and present.
The rules are simple.

Once you submit a confession it may never be removed.
Your confession may not be falsified.

Lastly sign here after pricking your finger, all it takes is a drop of blood.
I haven't RPed as a Fire-fighter and Paramedic for a long time

X Bruh
One time when I was little, I was super sick and my mom let me skip school.
I was extremely sick to the point that I was puking and shitting at the same time.
I went to make a slice of toast (for the bread absorption factor) and I vomited all over the counter top and shit all over the kitchen floor.
Good times.

X Wiz.
Sometimes I point firearms at my own face when no one is watching.

X The Supreme Gentleman 
Let's get this kicked off with some gud shit.

I'm a statutory rapist.

X monk
I sat on my sister's 3rd baby son and he died his head caved in
it was an accident my legs were tired
they did not press charges but we havent spoken in 7 years

X Billy Jeans
I broke FearRP by accident Sad

x Mutafuka Gentleman
I used to be a hardcore weeaboo - but since I started LimeLight I haven't watched a single Anime. That's almost 4 months now.

x German no-lifer

The only admin that keeps me from breaking rules is blackdoggo 

X soremelon
I once was a liberal
I'd let everyone here die in a fire.

X Toxic
I've never read the Limelight rulebook and probs never will..

X Agorith
I'd rather leave you dead in a car crash as a Highway Patrol cop than help you out

X Bruh
I'm a police officer in real life and i actually support the manifest that a mass killer/terrorist here in Norway based his actions on a few years ago.


I want to scream and cuss out everyone ingame when 5+ people are talking at once about a new GOT episode or in general un-related things in the radio channel when rp'ing as a cop or firefighter.


I have "mental issues" and they can varie a whole lot. But they're containable.

X Protax

(There's probably a whole lot more.)
I would drag my balls through hellfire and broken glass just to be able to see s sexy feet.
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