Hello , i would like to ask is it possible to transfer all my shit to other account cuz i got vac banned which is really sad for me and want to make new acc which is not vac banned and buy the game that i got vac banned and also play on the server with all my stuff thanks so much anyways! ( sry for my bad english btw hope u guys understanded what i meant to say )
Please, could you provide us with the Two SteamIDs oand Steam Names of the current and new accounts?
Not sure, but tagging
Let's hope that helped 
Thank you for your accounts.
I'll try to get a member of Senior Staff to look at this thread for you when any of them are free if they do not beat me to it.
Are you able to prove ownership of both accounts?
why are you liking every post here
Please, can we stay on topic.
yes i am able to prove the ownership of the accounts can you add me on steam on that vac banned account
Alright i accepted you text me when you are online on steam
Issue has been sorted!
Thanks for the patience with this case.