Every time I try to connect, I appear at the tow hall, with a text "you are stuck here, the gamemode has crashed, call a admin ladidadidaaa, and so on... + I can see the hud.
I tried more then once, I tried restarting the game and it still didnt work!!!
You normally need to just wait a bit.
(That's usually the case for me)
I've been waiting for like 10+ min. Nothing still happened tho
Comes down to network issues then. Might wanna look into that.
when you mention that... I think that its 80% possible that the problem is with my internet :/
There must be something wrong with one of the content packs, maybe? This has been a recurring issue for the LL servers in the past couple of months. I have had multiple people contact me via Steam, about this issue, and I tried to help without reinstalling but to no avail. When, or if, I receive more info on the problem, a bug report or something similar will be posted. I have made a educated guess that it is something with LL's server is messed up, because of reports of it working for other servers before and after joining LL. Also restarting pc, internet, and steam, is also another reason I believe it is something to do with LL.
I will be full on investigating this issue as best as I can for the next couple of days.
If you choose to do these options below, make sure that your GMod is closed.
Just to double check. Do you have your Garry's Mod on steam to always keep my game up to date? Don't know how to check?
1. Open Steam
2. Open Steam Library
3. Right-Click "Garry's Mod" and Left-Click "Properties"
4. Click on the "Updates" Tab at the top
5. Click the drop down box under "Automatic updates"
6. Select "Always keep this game up to date"
7. Hit "Close" at the bottom right of the pop up
Also try using some parameters. Don't know How?
1. Go to the properties pop up, instructions above^^
2. Click the button that says "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..."
3. In the text entry part, paste this: +cl_cmdrate 67 +cl_updaterate 67 +rate 30000
4. Hit "Ok" and "Close"
There was one time when I was able to connect, but affter that I can't

. I think that the problem in the end is with my internet.
The only thing I can find causing issues is Razer Cortex. I can't find any other way to not be able to not be able to connect to the server.
How good is your internet? Is it slow or fast?
Try what said
Are using the best possible resolution? Is your model settings high? Otherwise the game will crash.