Limelight Forums

Full Version: Weapons on back bug
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Description: I recently returned to Limelight to start playing again, but the guns on back as well as notes others have created, it does not show the weapons for me or what the notes say, i can only see the guns on my own back in 3rd person and my own notes, everyone else's notes and holstered guns are invisible
Additional Information: I also tried to reinstall the content packs and reconnect a lot of times, none of it has worked, I had one session yesterday where i could see guns and notes, but then i log on the next morning and it is all back to being invisible
Images/Screenshots: None
Thank you for your bug-report, CrispyFries!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Strange. Im trying to re-produce the bug
I'm also trying to reproduce this, and can't.
I would love this to go somewhere. Friend me on steam: I would love to schedule a time to test this in-game with you.
Unable to reproduce, closed.