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To keep things organised in the bug reports, all bug reports relating to Chaos and Control content must be posted here.

Bug Reports must follow the following format:
[b]Additional Information[/b]
(Jul 29, 2017, 12:28 AM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]Description: Floating tree 
Additional Information: The woodcutting tree at the rockford car dealership is floating in the air.
Images/Screenshots: Screenshot (steam)
I believe that tree to be spawned by an administrator.

(Jul 29, 2017, 12:33 AM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]Description: When you crash with your vehicle your body will dissapear.
Additional Information:  had the same issue too.
Images/Screenshots: Screenshot (steam)

Issue with content not being mounted properly on the server. Fixed.
(Jul 29, 2017, 12:34 AM)Memeboisxd Wrote: [ -> ]Description: When opening the customisation menu for the M1911 you get a LUA error and it doesn't display anything.
Additional Information ][ERROR]
 1. unknown - [C]:-1

Error in hook PostDrawViewModel: lua/cw/shared/menutabs/customization.lua:73: attempt to index local 'foundAtt' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
lua/cw/shared/menutabs/customization.lua:73: in function 'drawFunc'
lua/cw/shared/cw_interactionmenuhandler.lua:53: in function 'draw'
gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:867: in function 'drawInteractionMenu'
gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:651: in function '_drawViewModel'
gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:536: in function 'drawViewModel'
gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/entities/weapons/cw_base/cl_hooks.lua:34: in function 'v'
lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:84: in function <lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:67>
[C]: in function '‌‎‬‪‭'


(Jul 29, 2017, 12:38 AM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]Description: You can not un-cuff other people.  tested his cuffs on me if he is able to cuff other people (bug report above). Unfortunaly the un-cuff process is not working. There comes a small message and that's it. I remain cuffed.
Additional Information: /
Images/Screenshots: Screenshot (steam)

(Jul 29, 2017, 12:23 AM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]Description: Officers are unable to cuff people
Additional Information I am not able to cuff persons with my handcuffs as a officer. Even other officers are not able to cuff other people.
Images/Screenshots: /

Update: Some officers are able to cuff people and others arent able to do so.

Reverted the handcuff / ziptie changes, pending a system revamp.

(Jul 29, 2017, 02:05 AM)CMR99 Wrote: [ -> ]Description:
Attempting to use the forensics kit does nothing - right click doesn't work, neither does left click. However, using the R key does print the prompt about using the forensics kit.
Additional Information
Seems this is an issue with the SWEP, but could be with the entity it's trying to detect. Idk.
[Image: Th3iyrW.jpg]

(Aug 1, 2017, 04:33 PM)CMR99 Wrote: [ -> ]Description:
Female SWAT Sergeant model is not set when you spawn as SWAT Sergeant, and cannot be set through the F1 menu.
Additional Information
Additionally, an error model is visible in F1 instead of the male SWAT Sergeant Model.
(Image has been brightened purely for ease of viewing, due to lighting issues. No other edits have been carried out.)
[Image: PzMVtL0.jpg]

(Jul 31, 2017, 11:33 AM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]Description: Police/Tactical cap bugged for Female Player model.

Additional Information n/a
Images/Screenshots: [video=youtube]http://[/video]

Confirmed Fixed.
(Aug 7, 2017, 01:39 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]Description: When you dont have the Bodygrouped kevlar as a Police Officer, you'll get one when you enter & exit a Police Crown Vic (Haven't tested other cars)
Additional Information no
Images/Screenshots: no

(Aug 9, 2017, 03:20 PM)SourLemon Wrote: [ -> ]Description: Is supposed to give you more ammo if you selected a pistol  and MP5 but currently only gives you 68 rounds.
Additional Information: N/A
