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Full Version: unban pretty please :P
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Were you aware of the rules regarding FearRP before getting banned?
(Jul 30, 2017, 05:59 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]Were you aware of the rules regarding FearRP before getting banned?
Yes at the time but was stupid enough to continue shortly after i got banned i bought admin on a server (anonymous) wont say the real name unless said to for proof. I learnt alot of rules and i will change. I was aware of what FearRP was. And failrp
if you were aware of FearRP and all the other rule-breakages when continue to break them after already getting banned from them.

You've been banned from fearRP more than 5 times. Why should we unban you.
Because i will respect the community when i get unbanned. I will stop FearRPing.
You will be given one final chance on the server. If you so break any rules you will be permeantly banned again with no chance of re-appeal. Read the rules very carefully.

You will be unbanned in 12 hours. use that time to read all the rules again just to be sure that you have more than enough time from now till you get unbanned to have fully read all the rules.
Unban-request approved.
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