a guy called the police on me in the game because i but in a law that he did not like and then his friend was on the police force and he came arrested me.
the callers name was daniel something like that
Hello Joshua,
This is not the correct section to post this at. There aren't such things as ''random arrests'', though, there could be something happening called ''FailRP'' coming from the officer's side at which it'll become something that is against the rules.
If this is the case, please have evidence of the FailRP and post it in this sub-forum using the correct template:
If you think it wasn't FailRP but stick to your story of ''random arrest'', I suggest taking it up to his supervisor next time (even when you're the president), as ''those type'' of arrests should be dealt with in-character.
Hope this is clearer to you now.
All arrests are based IC. If you have any issues, after your sentence - you are able to speak to the President or High ranking officers to speak to see if you can get any justice out of what you feel is corrupt.
If you feel there are any rule breakages such as harassment from a player of purposely attempting to arrest you or something alike, you are always able to post a Player Report as said at https://limelightgaming.net/forums/forum-209.html or using the @ <text> or !report commands.
If you have any more questions on this topic don't be afraid to post. I'll give you until next week unless you have any more questions. (Sunday 16th July 2017)
(Jul 9, 2017, 06:13 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Joshua,
This is not the correct section to post this at. There aren't such things as ''random arrests'', though, there could be something happening called ''FailRP'' coming from the officer's side at which it'll become something that is against the rules.
If this is the case, please have evidence of the FailRP and post it in this sub-forum using the correct template: https://limelightgaming.net/forums/forum-209.html
If you think it wasn't FailRP but stick to your story of ''random arrest'', I suggest taking it up to his supervisor next time (even when you're the president), as ''those type'' of arrests should be dealt with in-character.
Hope this is clearer to you now.
And this
Please don't be quoting other people's responses unless you have something unique to add on top of it otherwise it just makes things messy and unorganised.
, anything further to add?
(Jul 9, 2017, 06:13 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Joshua,
This is not the correct section to post this at. There aren't such things as ''random arrests'', though, there could be something happening called ''FailRP'' coming from the officer's side at which it'll become something that is against the rules.
If this is the case, please have evidence of the FailRP and post it in this sub-forum using the correct template: https://limelightgaming.net/forums/forum-209.html
If you think it wasn't FailRP but stick to your story of ''random arrest'', I suggest taking it up to his supervisor next time (even when you're the president), as ''those type'' of arrests should be dealt with in-character.
Hope this is clearer to you now.
That server is using the system CityRP not DarkRP. Arrests must dealt with IC. As Wesley stated that would be FailRP and you should post that thread to Player Reports section with using the given template. I doesnt even have an idea if you are trying to tell us about another issue, you should fix your grammar in that post and then update it.
(Jul 13, 2017, 10:36 PM)TheDarkLord Wrote: [ -> ]That server is using the CityRP system, not DarkRP. Arrests must dealt with IC. As Wesley stated, that would be FailRP, and you should post that thread to the Player Reports section with using the given template. It doesn't even have an idea if you are trying to tell us about another issue, you should fix your grammar in that post and then update it.
Exposed. LOL (jk bro)
Please refrain from posting unnecessary posts that aren't really linking towards the topic in hand or supporting the player.
(Jul 14, 2017, 09:36 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]Please refrain from posting unnecessary posts that aren't really linking towards the topic in hand or supporting the player.
With all due respect, your comment is doing exactly what it is saying not to do.
(Jul 14, 2017, 10:02 PM)Faustin Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul 14, 2017, 09:36 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]Please refrain from posting unnecessary posts that aren't really linking towards the topic in hand or supporting the player.
With all due respect, your comment is doing exactly what it is saying not to do.
I am sorry, but his comment is not doing such. He is making 1 comment that can make up for many, aka my comment.(I just saw something funny)
This thread has clearly been derailed, and OP hasn't logged into the forums since posting this thread (his only post). Evidently there is a lack of interest both from the OP and from those superfluously responding to this thread; therefore it will be closed and archived.