Jul 2, 2017, 07:22 AM
Server [US/EU]: EU
Map: v4b1
Description: When I join unto the server, any players in the AFK slot are not loading correctly(or something). When I right click them on the scoreboard, I get an error. It also seems as if the DLabel is not parented to where the click is, but is showing the DLabel at the top left of the screen.This means that SetPos(0,0), but vgui.Create("DLabel", <no parent>). By default the parent is the screen.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
Since when have you experienced the bug? Uploading of this thread, unknown before.
Additional Information:
[ERROR] gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/gamemode/core/scoreboard/player_row.lua:66: attempt to concatenate a nil value
1. DoRightClick - gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/gamemode/core/scoreboard/player_row.lua:66
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:227
![[Image: yNPZ1zuUVy0]](https://youtu.be/yNPZ1zuUVy0)
Map: v4b1
Description: When I join unto the server, any players in the AFK slot are not loading correctly(or something). When I right click them on the scoreboard, I get an error. It also seems as if the DLabel is not parented to where the click is, but is showing the DLabel at the top left of the screen.This means that SetPos(0,0), but vgui.Create("DLabel", <no parent>). By default the parent is the screen.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
Since when have you experienced the bug? Uploading of this thread, unknown before.
Additional Information:
[ERROR] gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/gamemode/core/scoreboard/player_row.lua:66: attempt to concatenate a nil value
1. DoRightClick - gamemodes/cityrp_2_by_limelightgaming/gamemode/core/scoreboard/player_row.lua:66
2. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:227