Jun 28, 2017, 10:21 PM
Moderator System Revamp
Hello community!
I'm writing this post to announce some changes that we've now made to the Moderator system.
Earlier this year, we asked you; the community for feedback. One of the complaints were that we didn't have enough staff-members online on our servers. You said that our admins were not active enough and that we need to promote more moderators.
We've made some changes to our system which allows us to take in more staff-members as well as dealing with inactivity within the team. This change won't really affect you the public too much but there's no harm in explaining these changes to you.
The changes
Moderator Stage 1 has had their ban cap increased to 1 week and a maximum blacklist time of 8 hours. This is the same cap that the previous Moderator Stage 2 had.
Moderator Stage 2 are not limited when it comes to ban and blacklist length. They have the same access, powers and tools as administrators, but their admin-powers are only ingame and not on the forum. They have access to all the admin-related features ingame.
Previously, we've been limited by how many staff-members we can take in because too many chefs in the kitchen can make a big mess. We've avoided taking in too many staff-members because of the delays that this would cause on the forum in votes, discussions etc. With this new system, admins will have to remain a lot more active on the forum and take a more active part in the discussions behind the curtains, otherwise they will lose their forum-access to sensitive topics. This allows us to clear up that spot and give it to someone else who'd be more qualified.
So to put it simply, here are the different roles in the team explained in a nice and orderly fashion:
Role restrictions and descriptions
Moderator Stage 1 are staff in training. They're learning how to administrate the server, read and handle situations. Their only task is to administrate the servers and all of their responsibilities are ingame.
Blacklist cap: 8 hours
Bantime cap: 7 days
Ingame and TS symbol:
![[Image: af0ee9367f7fee5ea6463e9af46da913.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/af0ee9367f7fee5ea6463e9af46da913.png)
Moderator Stage 2 are staff who've completed their training and who are handed all the tools they need to keep the servers clean without the need of assistance from admins in order to handle situations. Their only task is to administrate the servers and all of their responsibilities are ingame.
Blacklist cap: Unlimited
Bantime cap: Unlimited
Tools and powers: Similar to Administrators
Ingame and TS symbol:
![[Image: 2998e5c647ba5bc39c739f02e7eea479.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/2998e5c647ba5bc39c739f02e7eea479.png)
Administrators are experienced staff-members with a vast knowledge of the server and everything concerning it. These staff-members are trusted with access to classified and sensitive topics. They are expected to actively engage in internal discussions and other topics. Their tasks are to administrate the servers as well as actively taking part in discussions and votes on the forum.
Blacklist cap: Unlimited
Bantime cap: Unlimited
Admins are expected to actively take part in the Admin forum. Failure to do this despite several warnings over a bigger period of time will loose their access to Admin forums and discussions. They will keep the same powers ingame (granted they are active ingame).
This update will hopefully make it easier for us to deal with inactivity as well as promoting more people without making it a logistical nightmare. There are more details regarding this change that will remain internal for now.
I apologize if this seems a bit confusing. I've tried to write it out in a easy way for you guys to understand. Hopefully you guys will start seeing the effects of this program soon.
Have a nice evening, everyone.