Title tells everything
The vehicle goes around 50-60MPH
Handling is generally alright. It does slide when attempting to drift.
It is not a drifting car. It's mainly for looks.
Anymore questions, ?
imo high-low tier car compared to others, looks awesome though.
Accerelation is around average probably 10MPH per second.
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Closed and archived per request.
Feel free to PM any of us if you need this reopened.
needed to ask a question about bodyparts, which he forgot to ask.
What bodyparts does this car have
I personally do not remember fully, however, I do not think it was massive. I believe there were only 3-4 things changeable with only 1 additional thing in each category.
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Top Speed: around 55mph
Acceleration: pretty good actually, a bit worse than the Ferrari(?)
Handling: on point
Crash Resistance: rarely explodes, takes almost no damage (no joke)
Customizability: About ten options? It has 3 RT screens which can play nothing/rt-footage/disney movie. Otherwise just changes for exterior...