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Full Version: PR: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth
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Name of Player: arbnorzendeli, SARU2002, [LIT] my mom does meth

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114658646, STEAM_0:1:120717571, STEAM_0:0:117839045

Server: EU

Time: 16:26

Summary: (8.1) - Hostaging without validRP reason ("Because we're gonna rob/mug you"); (16.2) - Demanding more than 500$ (2.000$) when robbing/mugging; (FailRP) - robbing/mugging as Corleone

Thank you for your player-report, Berries.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Users have 24 hours to respond to this PR with a reason

I have my own view on it but would like the accused to answer first if possible
All those involved have had long enough to respond.

This player report will be approved.

All the three players will receive a 1 day ban for having an invalid reason to hostage you, along with FailRP (robbing as Corleone).