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Full Version: ZooM's Unblacklist Request
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Your Name: Daniel

Issued by: [L²] Overlewd

Blacklist ID: 71592

Server: v4b1

Why should you be unblacklisted?: I was president, I spawned a chair in my property. When some anarchists came in and raided me, I sat in the chair so that it would look better. Once I got off the chair, I glitched into the roof. Then I showed myself for them so they knew I was on the roof, so they prop spawned their way up (Which is actually FailRP). They killed me. I am totally fine with that because I did wrong to get up to the roof.

Now, after some hours, Overlewd bans me for 2 days, but not only did he do that, he also blacklisted me from some stuff that I shouldn't be blacklisted from. Blacklist from  president is fine, blacklist from Phys gun and tool gun is fine. But then he blacklisted me from weapons, wtf? What do weapons have to do with this? You can't even use weapons as president. So why should I be blacklisted from weapons? 

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, ZooM.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Weapons access was not taken for your actions as president but as anarchist. You ran up to and shot a Nexus Desk Secretary on mainstreet and killed someone instantly without doing any kind of RP because they said they had less than $500 on their person (and any mugger would take the money they had and any other valuables instead of just abandoning their goal of earning money and killing them flat out).
Reason for weapons blacklist in that PR was given, for more information look at the actual PR for the video evidence included somewhere in the comments I believe. Unless you have any further questions or arguments for why your weapons blacklist should be removed, this will be concluded in 24 hours.

User was explained the reason for the blacklist and did not reply to express further interest in pursuing this request in the time given.