Name of Player: BearPowered
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:112823173
Server: v4b1
Time: (In UTC+0) 5:19 PM PDT
Summary: Doom-fort while performing a hostage situation, Taking a BMD Hostage at plain city (although there were almost no population)
Evidence: Screenshot
![[Image: NgZzjVD.jpg]](
Thank you for your player-report, IsThisaNewFLRP?.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
I have a few videos, it'd take me a bit to make a compilation. Got a few instances of him breaking FearRP as well.
(Jun 12, 2017, 02:42 AM)mywarthog Wrote: [ -> ]I have a few videos, it'd take me a bit to make a compilation. Got a few instances of him breaking FearRP as well.
Can you please upload those videos? Right now all I can confirm is that he was prop-blocking.
0:00 - Talking to Bambo after FearRP issues. Issued an arrest.
1:02 - He approaches my police vehicle and starts following me/yelling things at me into the parking lot.
1:24 - Just tried ignoring him at first.
1:28 - They get out of the car with the passenger saying "keep it unlocked", which I assumed suspicious based off of the way he's talking to me. Time to get the gun out.
1:30 - Realized he's in prisoner orange. Jailbreak. Multiple FearRP and FailRP instances.
2:10 - Wasn't gonna actually shoot him. Still had hope he was RPing, just being an idiot about it... tried to force FearRP by saying that.
3:25 - That's his tow truck.
3:35 - FearRP. He was claiming NLR, but tmk, he never died. He was only "released" from prison, however, as he did a jailbreak and evaded being detained and arrested prior, had plans to issue a 15 minute warrant.
4:38 - Attempted CDM. One officer did get struck lightly and knocked down to 60% health. Authorized shoot to kill when I saw he was driving straight towards where people were standing.
5:12 - Noticed commotion at AMPM. Went to investigate what was going on. Flipped car, and there was an earlier call out on the radio about something going on there.
5:20 - Seemed like it was alright at the time. Noticed two officers there watching him. Speaking ooc, I just wanted to get out and watch anyways because of this guy's history of minging/whatever. Wanted to make sure I had anything on video. He's claiming that we can't arrest him at all after he died, not sure if he meant in relation (we knew we couldn't do that), or in general (which would be wrong). Propkill against an officer. No EMS on server at the time. Also spawned a prop to block us from arresting him.
6:46 - Code 2 call to AMPM. Noticed he was throwing around props. As I was about to get out, I got flipped. Twice.
7:50 - He's trying to flip another cruiser. Unsure if an officer was in it at the time. Gave multiple warnings to put it down.
8:10 - Mis-interpreted this as him trying to hit the cruiser with the ball. Fired a shot. He put the ball down. Was more interested in the person trying to flip us.
8:40 - Some other random throwing couches with at us with intent to kill. Used lethal force.
9:22 - Trying to smack me around with another prop. Gave multiple warnings, and fired one shotgun blast. Tried again a few moments later, tried another shot that missed so badly, I don't want to talk about it. Once I realized that prop wasn't lethal, I switched to taser. Again, multiple FearRP fails.
10:14 - Trying to hit me with a steel plate. Did nothing. Managed to tase and cuff. Yeah yeah, cue Benny Hill.
11:10 Trying to run while cuffed, and having a taser drawn at him. Multiple times of doing this.
11:46 - Trying to walk all over an unconscious person. Random citizen moved him out of the way.
12:15 - Here we go again.....
13:03 - RDM OP. At this point, we were kinda just standing around since it was clear that the others in the server had no intent to RP, and at this point, a couple of people were talking to Wulf.
14:05 - Claims he had a reason to shoot us, btu failed to provide a reason for it OOC. Also took the President as a hostage as Anarchist.
15:15 - Press F.
Need any more explainations/videos, please let me know. Hopefully this helps. Had multiple FearRPs with him the night before as well.
If you need the Steam IDs/information of the others involved, let me know. Will make a seperate report for each if needed, too.
Him and his two buddies were both breaking as many rules as they could and when confronted they had nothing to say apart from things like 'an admin isn't on so i don't care' and so on.
I have footage of him breaking lots of these rules but mywarthog has captured the same bits as me pretty much anyway, but here is a screenshot of him spawning a bus in an attempt to presumably prop block or prop kill the officers confronting him about something:
And here is another of him prop pushing cars around mainstreet:
![[Image: gAigSd1.jpg]](
And actually he did say at one point the following "I'm on NLR, so I can do whatever I want" (or something like that)
Based off of the video, pictures and evidence gathered earlier BearPowered, JordanSmith and Doctor were shown to have been spawning props for the sole intention of killing players. In addition they show an overall unconcern about the server rules and its players.
Based off of this. All three players will have a permanent suspension placed on their accounts.