Hello I have paid £14.25 for 10 in-game money and I have not got them what happend if an Admin pm for more info
Odds are the system might be a little slow to catch up, as PayPal's API is a little slow sometimes but give it around an hour or so and do NOT chargeback or dispute the payment. If you do that, then it'll make things much worse.
EDIT: How long have you waited already?
I made payment at 10am uk time
Paging in that case to look into this for you.
Would you mind PMing Temar your SteamID and Transaction ID so he could look closer into it? I'm sure this will get sorted for you.
its Pending, im guessing you paid using echeque with paypal
this will take something like 5 business days to clear then you will receive the money ingame automatically when it does
feel free to check it on your own paypal account
Glad this got cleared up for you. , would you please confirm this?
It gone to a diffent player not me tho
The player steam od it gone to
STEAM_0:0:50582249: not [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:91322706 so what could we do [/font]
Please confirm that this is now resolved for you when the e-cheque clears.
No cuz it go to a diffent player not me
But when I got the membership I got it strate away and the money has not
Please look at this
It say £13 when it should say £27.25
Seems like values made from when the transaction went through didn't actually add on to your total accumulated. We'll give it a little while to resolve, if not then I'll page Temar or someone who can handle this for you.
My UCP Still not updated it still say £13 when it should say £27.25
Paging and to update the database values for you manually. Sorry this has happened, shouldn't take long to resolve.
Has the problem been sorted?