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This isn't even news anymore.

CO2 levels are dangerously high, we're being threatened by nuclear war, terrorists are slowly destroying our society inside out.

What are we doing?
Absolutely nothing.

I'm wishing all of you a great End Of The World 2017.
Goodbye... I guess?
mmh... you're right Octave. Unfortunately, I don't think humans will be extinguished by a meteor or the sun,
they will probably do that by themselves.

Even if we get all these political and religious conflicts under control (ISIS, N. Korea, terrorism in general...)
we will most likely destroy our world with CO2, particulates and toxics. We could prevent that from happening, sure,
but with someone working against, who is as powerful as Trupm, I don't know where we will go...

But don't give up! Try to do the best you can for our world! Take your bike instead of your car, conserve water and properly dispose your waste!
FFS!!! I haven't had sex yet!!!
Glad we're keeping it light here
Lets just pray it isnt
2017 years too late if you ask me
Something can be done, but no one is trying and it keeps getting later and later.

In 2005 it was deemed too late, but still we keep going how we are, and we are humans, we dont think long term and we dont use the technology we have.

Instead we worry too much about what we can't fix, and blow stuff up and do nucleur testing.

It wont get fixed, no one will try.

Scary stuff.
(Jun 7, 2017, 06:21 PM)Tails Wrote: [ -> ]2017 years too late if you ask me

Implying the world is 2017 years old.
2012 called, they want their meme back
You're all dramatic, everyone always thinks the world will end. Do we have a lot of challenges, yes. Will humanity work through them - probably, who tf knows. There is no IMMEDIATE danger though, so hmu when you're like sure the world is imminently ending.
* Awestruck places his tin foil hat on his head.
(Jun 8, 2017, 04:20 AM)Vauld Wrote: [ -> ]You're all dramatic, everyone always thinks the world will end. Do we have a lot of challenges, yes. Will humanity work through them - probably, who tf knows. There is no IMMEDIATE danger though, so hmu when you're like sure the world is imminently ending.
They don't have the balls to fire a nuclear missile and CO² won't kills us yet as well so yeah.
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