Alright, so the main thing to discuss in this thread is either Toll Checkpoints on the Evocity City Tunnel should be a Roleplay thing and if it brings a bit of realism to the server or not, and in my opinion I think It does bring a small bit of realism to the server as it can generate revenue for the president in command (Example: A $5 toll for people entering and exiting the city , and can probably serve up as a way of winning money to the one who is controlling it, I don't know about you but what is your opinion about this, comment down below (BTW, I will be creating a small display prop for my Checkpoint dupe as for how much to pay when entering and exiting the city)
They become clusterfucks 99% of the time
Never be able to give way the emergency quickly,i prefer a DUI Checkpoint with my vehicle blocking off the road and some traffic cone to stop suspicious individual.
If carefully organised and the dupe is successfully made - this is easily done. From a personal experience, people are just not patient 50% of the time and then a gunfight shoots out and that is all.
In past experiences with FUMUKU Checkpoints, we organised it easily with people focusing on the roads and making sure nobody got out while one person is checking IDs for the people coming though as this could be the same for the tolls.
The issue with tolls is that emergency services can't really go through them quickly enough when emergencies happen. That is mostly down to the fact that evocity has only one way for traffic to go through.
(Jun 5, 2017, 02:14 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]The issue with tolls is that emergency services can't really go through them quickly enough when emergencies happen. That is mostly down to the fact that evocity has only one way for traffic to go through.
Well that is true by the queue that forms up at the checkpoint, but sone people would say "Why not buy a "FasTrak Transponder"? But let's agree that not everyone can buy that Responder as due to low budget
I am currently in the middle of making a dupe for this.
Let me explain my way around the present issue with emergency vehicles getting through the checkpoint yet other vehicles not using the emergency lane / it being abused.
I am starting by simply moving the checkpoint out of the city tunnel, but now more into the city. What will happen (I understand I am taking over the PassiveRP at Burger King here) is the checkpoint is moved out of the tunnel into the city a little. Now, you have the two lanes either side for traffic however, instead of wasting room down the middle of the road with checkpoint building etc, it is used as an emergency lane. Now, there will be criminals that try to use it, obviously, people who try to bypass the checkpoint.
My way around this is to use wooden stacks in the ground to which the criminals still are able to ram though them, however, they are also elevators. So, come the time of an emergency, the stacks move into the ground allowing the emergency vehicles past, and the rest of the checkpoint to carry on.
Now, I mentioned a little earlier about sadly removing the never used Burger King RP from the situation. As anyone would know, at DUI checkpoints there are many random searches that take place, which requires a vehicle an area to pull over into. This is when the Burger King parking lot comes in handy as that is the area where the real RP comes into play here. Mechanics can be called to 'Take apart' a vehicle searching for contraband, vehicles can be lifted off the ground for a full inspection of the underside of the vehicle. It goes on.
Luckily, the design I have come up with allows for the Empire Hotel to still be actively used by citizens, and citizens are still able to walk through the checkpoint as they please, as a DUI checkpoint is for vehicles.
I will provide images, and the RP scenario here and on the server for anyone who wants them - I just need to finish the dupe.
So, in all reality, this all can be done through pasting a dupe and a /job. You just need to spend the time on it.
Instead of using the city tunnel of which is a confined space, and also making a cluster fuck in the city, I've used the other, more commonly used area: Connectivity road where one lane can be used for vehicle one way, another lane used for emergency, then grassy outer area as the other way, and the connectivity road warehouse as the 'vehicle-checkup' area - All will come clear in the up coming images