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Your Name: WarthoG

Ban ID: 5064

Banned by: [L²] Pinky

Server: evocity_v4b

Ban Reason: FearRP 12th ban

Why should you be unbanned?: 
While I understand the permanent ban was issued due to it being my 12th ban, I feel like a lesser punishment should've been issued for the incident. As far as I remember, I was running away from a police officer, both of us had guns drawn. Regardless of this, I believe, that even if I was in the wrong, I was at an acceptable distance to disregard fear rp, as I would not be fearful around a corner from a cop at the distance we were at. I believe I have become more mature over the past 3 months, and would love to return to this community, as I struggle to find servers that compete to LimeLight RP, in terms of roleplay and content. I would assume if I was to return it would be under some sort of terms, but I would be willing to accept those to return to this community.

The staff-members have received your unban-request, WarthoG.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Alright ill have to have a look into this and get some inputs before i do anything further.
(Jun 6, 2017, 08:26 PM)Pinky Wrote: [ -> ]Alright ill have to have a look into this and get some inputs before i do anything further.

Approved. The ban has been lifted but keep in mind that you still are on your last chance if you get banned again it will be permanent.