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Full Version: Who thought this was a good idea?
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Your Name: Vauld

Issued by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif] [L²] Blackdog[/font]

Blacklist ID: 70246

Server: EU

Why should you be unblacklisted?:

 I not only want to be unblacklisted, I want to propose the complete abolition of this form of blacklist. I mean honestly, if someone is playing the server and breaks NLR, the solution is to make them wait 10 minutes so they don't break NLR again? If anyone is willing to wait 10 minutes to respawn from death, they should be honored as saints; someone please call the pope, alert the vatican, because we have a damn saint. We already have a messed up jail system where you get jailed for 15 minutes and basically have to AFK, and go make a sandwich or something. And then now, if I glitch out, crash my car, or die in any way - I'm expected to literally sit and do absolutely nothing. It's ludicrous, and if you break NLR, chances are you don't really know what's happening. If I was a new player and got NLR blacklisted, and had to wait 10 minutes, I'd leave the server and never come back. IN FACT, even having 200 hours and over 1000+ on City RP in general - having to wait 10 minutes every time I die results in me leaving the server and never wanting to come back.

Also the whole thing is stupid af on a fundamental level. Right so most people get an NLR blacklist because they visited the place they die, so the solution is - EVERY TIME they die for a set # of hours - make them wait 10 minutes. Like the violation and punishment aren't even related... How about you make it so that if someone with an NLR blacklist visits the vicinity in which they died, they're kicked or something. There needs to be a better solution than making people wait 10 minutes. 

Honest to god I'd rather have a ban than continue living with this infuriating form of punishment.

I'm even willing to negotiate on ban time in exchange for my 2 hour blacklist, anything - but I refuse to even think about thinking about playing the server with this horrendous illogical form of punishment. I'd rather throw myself into an angry pack of wolves than deal with this blacklist anymore.

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Vauld.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
As stated in your last appeal on this, you willingly broke the NLR to retreive your weapon after dieing,you say it was a glitch that killed you, but in your situation you would have died one way or the other,and this does not give you the right to run back to that spot to get your stuff back without first running it by the staff online at the time to confirm if you can or cannot do so.

By your own admission in your previous appeal, you admit you broke the NLR to get your gun back, and then DCed from the server.

Do you have anything further to add?
I'm not saying that I didn't do it, I'm saying the punishment is stupid and inappropriate for the violation. I think you sort of read past my entire post and concluded that I'm still guilty therefore the punishment stays. That's not what I'm arguing. 

Let me try to further explain my point through a small course I've put together


Hello and welcome to my new course, how to lower the population of a Gmod server 101.

Today, we have a special guest, and a first-hand account of a player who doesn't want to play due to over-the-top punishments. Let's welcome our guest, Vauld!

Me: Hello Vauld nice to see you today.
Me: Yes thanks for having me on, I really appreciate it.
Me: So you don't want to play the server after your blacklist?
Me: No, in fact I would actively suggest that if players receive this infuriating form of punishment, they move on elsewhere.
Me: Wow! That seems like rash decision to make...
Me: Well no it's really not, so I made a mistake in about 10 seconds worth of playtime right. I broke NLR, that's fair... But let's break this down a little further.

I die on average 2-3 times an hour, perhaps from glitching, perhaps from getting hit by a car, perhaps from aggressive RP
My blacklist was issued for 3 or 4 hours, can't remember at this point.
Doing some math we can understand if I die the maximum of 3 times an hour, that is...
30 minutes out of an hour - where I'm supposed to AFK - HALF MY PLAYTIME

Sorry for being a sarcastic dick, but seriously - No one in their right mind is going to continue playing a server where half of the time they play, they have to tab out or AFK, or stare at a grey screen? This is not how we should be treating our player base, punishing in ways that makes them waste 50% of the time they play? Are we serious? What the hell kind of punishment is that. 

Imagine joining a server and having to wait on a black screen for 30 minutes, before being granted 30 minutes of playtime. That's essentially what experience we're giving here.

And the sad part is that anyone can break NLR in a few seconds, and the result can be HOURS of lost playtime. 

This form of punishment is not only illogical, it's ludicrous. It's a fundamental mistreatment of our player base. 

I don't mean this to be a personal attack on any one admin, but I think Limelight as a whole needs to rethink their punishments scheme, and the impact it has on the player base. I know first-hand how easy it is to type !Blacklist, but let me tell you - being on the receiving end, such punishments create a horrible gaming experience, far beyond what is appropriate in my mind for an NLR violation.
As you had admitted you had broken the rule, your punishment is valid, if you wish to argue about the existance of the type of punishment please post a suggestion or bring it to the appropriate authority, but attempting to argue it here is not the place.

Appeal denied