May 25, 2017, 09:36 PM
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Here at Evocity Judiciary, working with the government, we handle all cases of which are taken to court. We provide many services related to the legal system within Evocity including official officer complaints, Lawyer services, Judges and more!
As we aim to keep Evocity a just place, with the correct legal support to the government as well as the citizens, we treat each case individually, making sure our clients get the best treatment possible as well as receiving the best services available in Evocity, in the world. In our work, and as seen in previous governments, being biased is a large issue of which we combat within our justice system to make sure that evidence isn't tampered with, and that all of our judges take both points of view on all cases considering the correct consequences per case; no matter how much of a friend someone is, no matter how much someone pays.
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Judges is not a service to citizens, but more aimed at governments as many lack judges. Our judges come with years experience and knowledge with the legal system, both for the supreme court, and local government. Our judges are specially trained at the highest level into when is the right time to call off cases, into what the correct punishment is, into what is acceptable and unacceptable within a court room and many more area's.
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Lawyers is our main service that we offer to anyone. Our lawyers - presented the right case - will have no issue winning it for you and are highly trained in criminal psychology to help with knowing what the next move may be with the defendant / criminal to be able to combat their argument. As well as this they are very familiar with the legal system, much like the Judges, in order to be able to find the correct laws to win you the case!
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Obviously services come at a price, to help support the employee's, to help support the corporation, to give them reason for their skills. The list goes on. We don't aim for our prices to be high, but at the same time, due to there being no competitive market, pricing is hard to hit on the dot. Prices may change at any time, and applied to any case upon change.
Judge : $1,000 per case - Case dependent
Lawyer : $1,300 - $7,000 - Case dependent
If you wish to request one of our services, please use our
contact form
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Recruitment within our corporation is always open as the more Lawyers available to handle cases, the better. The more judges available, the quicker cases are processed. Upon becoming apart of this corporation.
Applications are done on a weekly basis (Beginning one week after opening). If you have not received any information regarding your application within a week of submission, please contact our Recruitment Team (BasicallyMental, NIL)
Applications are done on a weekly basis (Beginning one week after opening). If you have not received any information regarding your application within a week of submission, please contact our Recruitment Team (BasicallyMental, NIL)
In order to become apart of the Judiciary,
Click Here
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Please note: You should only visit trusted sites. We are not responsible for any loss of your privacy. |
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Below is a representative list of all members working under the name of our corporation - This includes third party operations & past / employees & past
Lord Octagon
[L²:RP] Rizion
Courtroom Security
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Our extentive set of laws represent the Evocity Judiciary, and government in the best possible way giving all citizens the lives they wish for. With the laws based around what the citizens want, it helps with our aim to no crime, and a country of trust, and correction. Not corruption.
1.1:Weapon licences may be obtained through the President
1.2:Weaponary Classes: A, B, C
1.2.1:Class C: All forms of Melee weaponary and pistol / SMG
1.2.1:Class C: All forms of Melee weaponary and pistol / SMG
1.2.2:Class B: Shotguns, Semi-Automatic Rifles, Automatic Rifles
1.2.3:Class A: All other non-listed weaponary
1.3:Melee weaponary are to only be used for self defence as a last resort
1.4:Licences are required for Class C, B & Melee weaponary - Class A is unobtainable
1.5:Weaponary may only be used / shown on private property
1.6:Weaponary may NOT be used against or shown to government workers / officials unless asked
1.7:Missuse of licences / weaponary will result in a revoking of licence / access to the weapon
2.1:Inner-city speed limit is 30MPH with a 2MPH lee-way
2.2:Outer-city speed limit is 50MPH with a 1MPH lee-way
2.3:Vehicles are required to stop at red lights
2.3.1:You are required to stop at stop signs
2.3.2:If you begin to approach an Amber / Yellow light, you must slow
2.4:You are required to have no on-coming vehicles or be turning on a bend when overtaking: Do not be unsafe
2.4:You are required to have no on-coming vehicles or be turning on a bend when overtaking: Do not be unsafe
2.5:Vehicles are required to use proper parking spaces, parking within the white lines
2.6:You are required to move out of the way for emergency vehicles on call-out
2.6.1:You are required to pull-over upon law enforcement officers following you with lights + sirens and are not
passing you
2.6.1:You are required to pull-over upon law enforcement officers following you with lights + sirens and are not
passing you
2.7:Wreckless driving is unacceptable
2.8:Hit and run are also unacceptable
2.9:You are required to use the blinkers provided with your vehicle
2.10:During night, you are required to use your headlights
2.11:Moving through a checkpoint with force, and without being checked results in imprisonment
2.11:Moving through a checkpoint with force, and without being checked results in imprisonment
3.1:Walls reaching higher than 2 of an averaged higheted citizen / officer are not to be used
3.2:Blocked windows may deem a property to be suspicious and are advised to not be used
3.3:You are not subject to a search from ANYONE unless warranted - stranger danger
3.4:Suspicious activities within a property are a valid reason to be given for a search
4.1:Government officials are no different from the rest, therefore not subject to public abuse
4.2:Allow a government worker to do their job:don't get in the way
4.3:Do not help government officials unless asked to:allow them to do the job they have been trained to do
4.4:All meetings are to be arranged through the Nexus Desk Secretary
4.5:Aduse / missuse of the 911 system is unacceptable
4.6:Corrupt government workers will be demoted without hesitation
4.7:All government related complaints must be sent using the 911 system and sent only once
4.8:Police officials are required to fulfil their job fully else face a demotion of corruption
4.9:Failure to comply will result in a fine, or max, an arrest
4.10:Impersonation of a government official will result in arrest
4.10:Impersonation of a government official will result in arrest
5.1:Public abuse is fully unacceptable
5.2:Manslaughter is unacceptable but does happen and will result in a lesser prison sentence than murder
5.2:Manslaughter is unacceptable but does happen and will result in a lesser prison sentence than murder
5.3:Murder is a felony
5.4.1:Sexual Assault or dismemberment of any sort is fully unacceptable
5.4.2:Prostitution is not to happen
5.5:Hostaging / Mugging is unacceptable
5.6:Masks are banned from use unless granted permission by the President. An identity is something to be proud
of, not hide
5.7:Arson, or any kind of damage to property through the use of fire with intent is unacceptable
5.8:Attempted or successful Jailbreak will result in imprisonment
5.8:Attempted or successful Jailbreak will result in imprisonment
6.1:All persons require a drivers licence in order to legally drive any vehicle
6.2:A drivers licence may be obtained through the President
6.2.1:A drivers licence comes at the cost of $250
6.3:Repeat vehicle related offences will result in the licence being revoked
6.4:All official government personel are excempt from obtaining a drivers licence (While on-duty)
6.5:Failure to provide a valid drivers licence when asked by a government official will result in a punishment
6.5.1:Impounding of a vehicle | To receive your car back, you must pay a fee of $500 to any police officer
6.5.2:A fine to be received from the officer of which must be paided at the pull-over scene
6.6:All acquiring a drivers licence must go through an official DVLA test with a teacher (None avaliable)
7.1:No current groups are banned due to limited to NIL hostile actions against Evocity. - This could be subject
7.2:3 Percenters - Skeeter Jones
7.2.1:All 3 Percenter members have access to a Class C weaponary licence - Possession of weaponary
7.2.2:Class B weaponary is to not be discharged, but possessed and openly carried on private property owned by
the group
7.2.3:The group are within the city for Freedom fighting, and to cause no harm. Therefore are to be left
7.2.4:The group is an armed, non-militant group. All members are normal citizens with a strong voice, treat them
8.1:All businesses require a licence in order to run
8.2:All licences are permanent when baught under the presidentcy of Harry Walshie.
8.3:The sales and possession of marijuana and steroids requires a licence to help protect citizens lives
8.3:The sales and possession of marijuana and steroids requires a licence to help protect citizens lives
8.4:Licences come at a cost - Failure to pay the set price will result in your licence being revoked / not added
8.4.1:Business licence: $1,000
8.4.2:Class C weaponary licence: $750
8.4.3:Class B weaponary licence: $1,500
8.4.4:Class A weaponary licence: Reserved to government officials only (Does not apply to Pass holders)
8.4.5:Marijuana and Steroids use and possession licence: $750
8.5:A licence may be purchased from any official in the list below
8.5.2:Vice President
8.5.3:Nexus Desk Secretary
8.5.4:Head of Police
8.5.5:Head of S.W.A.T
8.5.6:Secret Service Agents
8.6:Licences of which are not purchased from a member of the stated list are unofficial
[~Licence Holders~]
~ 3 Percenters:Class C weaponary | Class B weaponary (For more information, please see laws 7.2.x)
~ Birdie Sanders:Business (Mouises)
~ James Standen:Class C weaponary | Class B weaponary | Business (Johnnydonuts1)
~ Shark Oolen: Drivers ([FC:RP] sluu)
[Third Party Organisations]
9.1:There are no current third party organisations working along side the government
10.1:Possession of any drug will result in punishment
10.2:Steroids are the only legal, medical drug that may be used
10.3:Marijuana is an illegal substance that doctors may gain a licence for to distribute accordingly
10.4:The distribution of legal or illegal substances without the correct licencing is arrestable
10.5:Growing, cooking, (etc..) of any form of drug is illegal and will result in an arrest
[Evocity Judiciary]
11.1:All citizens bare the right to take their arrest / issue to the court upon request
11.1.1:All cases based upon an arrest will be conducted after the sentence has been served
11.2:The appointed judge to carry out cases is Phillip Banks
[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]
12.1:Right to life
12.2:Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
12.3:Freedom from slavery and forced labour
12.4:Liberty and security
12.5:Fair trial
12.6:Respect for your private and family life
12.7:Freedom of thought, belief and religion
12.8:Protection from discrimination
12.9:Right to education
12.10:Right to shelter
12.11:All human rights are to be given / followed under any circumstance
[Walshie Administration]
13.1:All citizens listed under the job 'Chef' are entitled to a free $1,000 support. Apply now at the Nexus
13.2:All citizens creating a new business are entitled to a free business licence + 'startup' money
[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]
12.1:Right to life
12.2:Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
12.3:Freedom from slavery and forced labour
12.4:Liberty and security
12.5:Fair trial
12.6:Respect for your private and family life
12.7:Freedom of thought, belief and religion
12.8:Protection from discrimination
12.9:Right to education
12.10:Right to shelter
12.11:All human rights are to be given / followed under any circumstance
[Walshie Administration]
13.1:All citizens listed under the job 'Chef' are entitled to a free $1,000 support. Apply now at the Nexus
13.2:All citizens creating a new business are entitled to a free business licence + 'startup' money
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Our news section provides professional, up to date news including top stories, breaking news and more! This section is for political benefits, and public stance on the current life they may be missing - more happens within the government than meets the eye.
Below you can see all the news sections available to the public
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None applicable as of present time.
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30 - 05 - 2017
Yet another corrupt individual who came into power earlier on today had the nerve to become a dictator. Due to the shear power, and will of the great Evocity people, the Dictator (El Dictador) was overthrown and order was regained within the city
30 - 05 - 2017
Another blood shed with the 3 Percenters left families devastated today as many government forces were lost in the firefight. Although this sad event took place, many new lights have formed from this, including later negotiations with the group to help resolve issues, and restore peace around Evocity.
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30 - 05 - 2017
Today, after much blood shed and losses, negotiations took place with the 3 Percenters. The bad reputation for this group initially made the talks a risky move for the government, after previous actions. From this, only good came as resolutions were made with the organisation regarding weaponry, and attitudes towards the government. As a result of the successful negotiations, we would like to share an image taken with them in their compound to show a new forming alliance
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02 - 06 - 2017
Yet another corrupt government comes to power. The leader had ruled for a long time, on the border of breaking human rights laws. A law was added, breaking the human rights laws of which triggered a country wide freedom fighter movement. From this, came one successful group: The Bloodflies. The Bloodflies successfully removed the government from power, freeing the citizens. From then, a peaceful march of the soldiers was given out of the city for everything to then return to normal.
An image of preparations:
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None applicable as of present time.
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30 - 05 - 2017
Yet another corrupt individual who came into power earlier on today had the nerve to become a dictator. Due to the shear power, and will of the great Evocity people, the Dictator (El Dictador) was overthrown and order was regained within the city
30 - 05 - 2017
Another blood shed with the 3 Percenters left families devastated today as many government forces were lost in the firefight. Although this sad event took place, many new lights have formed from this, including later negotiations with the group to help resolve issues, and restore peace around Evocity.
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30 - 05 - 2017
Today, after much blood shed and losses, negotiations took place with the 3 Percenters. The bad reputation for this group initially made the talks a risky move for the government, after previous actions. From this, only good came as resolutions were made with the organisation regarding weaponry, and attitudes towards the government. As a result of the successful negotiations, we would like to share an image taken with them in their compound to show a new forming alliance
<Image temporarily redacted>
02 - 06 - 2017
Yet another corrupt government comes to power. The leader had ruled for a long time, on the border of breaking human rights laws. A law was added, breaking the human rights laws of which triggered a country wide freedom fighter movement. From this, came one successful group: The Bloodflies. The Bloodflies successfully removed the government from power, freeing the citizens. From then, a peaceful march of the soldiers was given out of the city for everything to then return to normal.
An image of preparations:
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Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states all basic rights that are given to each individual citizen of Evocity. The rights, set by the United Nations to help protect the lives of people around the world. At Evocity, these Human Rights are taken seriously and by law are to be followed. Below you can find the list (Along with definitions) on the Human Rights.
Right to life
Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
Freedom from slavery and forced labour
Liberty and security
Fair trial
Respect for your private and family life
Freedom of thought, belief and religion
Protection from discrimination
Right to education
Right to shelter
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The Walshie Administration is a committee set up to help out new citizens of Evocity. We currently aim to specifically help Chef's, and people of which wish to create their own business. We provide a 'startup' fund to both a Chef and a business of up to $1,000 in order to get their feet off the ground, as well as a free business licence.
~ All citizens listed under the job 'Chef' are entitled to a free $1,000 support. Apply now at the Nexus
~ All citizens creating a new business are entitled to a free business licence + 'startup' money
As well as these laws in place, we have future plans in place to provide free shelter to the public at the Empire Hotel (Soon to be under government control to accommodate the shelter). Other secret plans are being internally discussed also, so we are able to expand our ways in which we are able to help the citizens further!
Donations are accepted to help out with Walshie Administration.
~ All citizens creating a new business are entitled to a free business licence + 'startup' money
As well as these laws in place, we have future plans in place to provide free shelter to the public at the Empire Hotel (Soon to be under government control to accommodate the shelter). Other secret plans are being internally discussed also, so we are able to expand our ways in which we are able to help the citizens further!
Donations are accepted to help out with Walshie Administration.
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Or for short, GG. These are the men that dedicate their lives to protecting Evocity. Due to a recent rise in crime, shootouts, murders, and other petty crimes, it has come to our attention that the normal amount of government workers are unable to keep up with the work load, nor can they keep up with the gang activity. In turn, the 'Green Guards' have been created in order to try and help keep that piece amongst the people of Evocity. This does not mean we are a militant group, or anything along those lines, just a group with the ability to stand our ground.