Your Name: Joulle
Ban ID: 5436
Banned by: [L²] Soviethooves
Server: v4b1
Ban Reason: Multiple OOC problems in history
Why should you be unbanned?: I was warned for complaining and calling the current president an idiot for not looking at warrants, but just putting 15 minutes on everyone. Soviethooves said it's my last warning for having a hostile attitude towards other players in ooc and then I said something like "can you please read the warrants as a president and not put everyone in prison for 15 minutes every time" then I got muted and banned. I didn't say anything hostile after soviethooves told me not to continue being hostile and saying it's my last warning. If you're an admin, don't just say things, say things that have meaning unlike in this case.
Evidence: chat logs around 3 minutes the ban
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Joulle.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Logs in question:
said: // another asshole president who doesn't have any idea what role playing is. only president because high salary
[L²] Soviethooves
said: // Joulle, you have enough time with us to know not to do that
said: //I'll keep the president's name in mind so I know who's game to ruin in the future
[L²] Soviethooves
said: // Joulle, no hostility in OOC. THis is your last warning.
said: // can you please read the warrant reasons as a president? It's actually good so eveyone doesn't end up in prison for 15 minutes only
The reasoning you were given the blacklist was, although you were warned, you continued to add insult to injury by adding this toned message in OOC. After that, I did some record checking and saw you have a bit of a history with OOC Insulting and general hostility. This was also put into account for your blacklist and your ban (Also, Ban Reason was updated 1-2 minutes after it was given, so at this time, you only have half of the Ban Reason here).
Punishments based on Insulting and OOC Hostility (Except for the one in question):
![[Image: steam.png]](
Exploiting - using a glitch to exit the map, hostile attitude towards other players and staff in OOC
2016-09-11 16:15:12
[L²] Nacreas
(1/6 Bans)
![[Image: steam.png]](
PRA (13707) - Rule 5.6
2017-01-01 05:40:49
![[Image: steam.png]](
Continuing argument in OOC despite being told not to (twice)
2017-01-15 01:54:43
[L²] Cameron
![[Image: steam.png]](
OOC disrespect
2017-02-10 20:47:43
[L²] Overlewd
In Conclusion:
You were given a chance because I honestly expect you to learn from your mistakes and only attempted to calmly tell you after the first time. After you ignored my nudge, you had to be warned, which you tried to cover up by using that passive-aggressive tone you sent to the same player I told you not to act hostile towards. From there on, you were blacklisted and then suspended, with your time, experience, and history being a factor.
Unless you can prove to me that you will for once learn from your mistakes and not need a staff member to restrain you when you begin to act out of line, I see no reason to unban you.
but you said: "Joulle, no hostility in OOC. THis is your last warning."
then I replied: "can you please read the warrant reasons as a president? It's actually good so eveyone doesn't end up in prison for 15 minutes only"
I didn't say anything hostile after the last warning, yet you put in the blacklist reason: "OOC Hostility towards player after warned"
You even said it's my last warning. To a normal person's logic a last warning means that if you continue the thing you were warned for, you get punished and even though I didn't continue, you decided to punish me and put that in the blacklist reason.
That statement was hostile and you know it from your experience with us and your personal record of OOC hostility.
Do you have anything else to add?
Closing Notes: With your experience and record of OOC Hostility, this will stay. We hope you decide to learn from your mistakes instead of letting them continue to happen.