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Full Version: PR on fjones
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Name of Player: fjones

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:209728542

Server: The only one

Time: (In UTC+0) Throughout the day of 5/19

Summary: Tried to condense it as much as I could but it's still a bit long due to the sheer amount of rule violations. I have full clips if need be but I believe these are sufficient. He has 2 prior bans in 13 hours too, both relating to said violations listed below.

D/C to avoid arrest (1st clip, 4th clip, 6th clip, 9th clip)
Prop pushing (2nd clip, 3rd clip)
[font=Arial]FearRP (5th clip, 6th clip)[/font]
[font=Arial][font=Arial]Stealing a car as a mechanic (7th clip)[/font][/font]
[font=Arial][font=Arial][font=Arial]Abusing mechanic tools (8th clip, he changes my car color from white to pink)[/font][/font][/font]

Thank you for your player-report, Venom.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
I can vouch i was there he is big minge and need big ban

This is the same guy who has tried to shot me out of the car, when I was speeding, I was unarmed. And he also started shooting me when he handcuffed me and took me inside to Bank of America. He started doing other stuff at the building so I evaded, then he started shooting me, when I was handcuffed. And if I underatood right, this guy also broke NLR ()

I can vouch, as I was involved (first clip.)

Another ban extension will be issued for the DC to avoid arrest for their sheer numbers shown here.
And another ban extension for the more blatant FearRP shown here.
And a pte blacklist for the proppushing.
And a mechanic blacklist for abuse of tools - can just barely see how the car shade changes in provided evidence, but evidence not clear to show vehicle theft by mechanic in the other clip.