Fumuku arrested
Multiple Fumuku officials have been arrested following accusations of illegal weaponry being possessed.
This shocking arrest amongst the
brutal slayings and attacks on Fumuku's corporate buildings, makes many question the legality of Fumuku's operations. The arresting officers refused to comment upon approach.
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Photograph provided by anonymous source[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Editor - Morgan Welks[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]20th May 2017[/font]
Arrested? We were spoken to?
May have been me. Unlucky
How utterly abhorrent. A global conglomeration acting in such a way in our city? We can't stand for this. We, the people of evocity DEMAND an explanation.
Good Evening,
ATF director, Ryan McGarvey, issued a statement this evening regarding the incident.
"It is as of now that the operations our agency conducts will be stepped up. This sort of behaviour from those assumed by the general public to be the "good guys" is digusting. These people, the ones trusted by the civilian population as merchents, service provides and security officers have clearly broken this trust and vital link between the public and "FUMUKU". As of 19th May 2017 any and all FUMUKU officers are to be placed on an ATF watchlist. If you see ANY FUMUKU officers using equipment they are not authorised to use, for example: Firearms such as the commonly used AR-15, you are to immediately report it to an ATF Federal Agent or the local authorities. If you witness such criminal offences being commited and fail to report it we reserve the right to detain you for questioning.
Finally, I am requesting that all citizens avoid approaching any armed FUMUKU personal and remain vigilant when using their services or entering any of their buildings."
Edited by: "Jonas Whitehall"
Always good to see Government Departments using News Articles as evidence.
(Welker Approved)
I understand the warning from the ATF, but don't you guys require evidence for those serious actions?
Not to mention this article seems to be lacking any actual evidence itself to back up it's claim. For all we know these FUMUKU members could be being arrested for something that exposed a government corruption or those could not be even FUMUKU Members at all. Could just be 6 midgets dressed up on top of each others' shoulders.
(May 19, 2017, 10:20 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]I understand the warning from the ATF, but don't you guys require evidence for those serious actions?
Not to mention this article seems to be lacking any actual evidence itself to back up it's claim. For all we know these FUMUKU members could be being arrested for something that exposed a government corruption or those could not be even FUMUKU Members at all. Could just be 6 midgets dressed up on top of each others' shoulders.
Instead of taking everything to OOC, you know you could always..
roleplay? the actual point of this server is roleplaying you know.
Make a public statement in regards to the issue, not everything can be dealt with out of character.
(May 20, 2017, 07:30 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ] (May 19, 2017, 10:20 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]I understand the warning from the ATF, but don't you guys require evidence for those serious actions?
Not to mention this article seems to be lacking any actual evidence itself to back up it's claim. For all we know these FUMUKU members could be being arrested for something that exposed a government corruption or those could not be even FUMUKU Members at all. Could just be 6 midgets dressed up on top of each others' shoulders.
Instead of taking everything to OOC, you know you could always..roleplay? the actual point of this server is roleplaying you know.
Make a public statement in regards to the issue, not everything can be dealt with out of character.
(I never said it was OOC. All I stated was a huge error by a serious department of the government and questioned the legitimacy of the news article. Am I not allowed to criticize a poorly written article and a set of actions or is that not considered roleplaying? Instead of immediately becoming extremely aggressive towards my IC criticism and dragging it into OOC because of my stance on this ridiculous aggression towards FUMUKU (And don't lie, that's what this is about), maybe you could realize that I was poiting out flaws that you could fill to make your article better. That way it looks more backed up with evidence instead of some news journalist that found some pictures on Buzzfeed and plastered a title on it. After all, I don't seem to be the only one who wants to see evidence of this IC.)
(Also I can state my IC opinion without havinng to get FUMUKU's O.K. My character is a member of society. My superiors can provide a professional statement addressed by FUMUKU. But me? I'm like janitor level there. Why they trust me to write a public statement given by FUMUKU?)
(May 20, 2017, 08:14 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ] (May 20, 2017, 07:30 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ] (May 19, 2017, 10:20 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]I understand the warning from the ATF, but don't you guys require evidence for those serious actions?
Not to mention this article seems to be lacking any actual evidence itself to back up it's claim. For all we know these FUMUKU members could be being arrested for something that exposed a government corruption or those could not be even FUMUKU Members at all. Could just be 6 midgets dressed up on top of each others' shoulders.
Instead of taking everything to OOC, you know you could always..roleplay? the actual point of this server is roleplaying you know.
Make a public statement in regards to the issue, not everything can be dealt with out of character.
(I never said it was OOC. All I stated was a huge error by a serious department of the government and questioned the legitimacy of the news article. Am I not allowed to criticize a poorly written article and a set of actions or is that not considered roleplaying? Instead of immediately becoming extremely aggressive towards my IC criticism and dragging it into OOC because of my stance on this ridiculous aggression towards FUMUKU (And don't lie, that's what this is about), maybe you could realize that I was poiting out flaws that you could fill to make your article better. That way it looks more backed up with evidence instead of some news journalist that found some pictures on Buzzfeed and plastered a title on it. After all, I don't seem to be the only one who wants to see evidence of this IC.)
(Also I can state my IC opinion without havinng to get FUMUKU's O.K. My character is a member of society. My superiors can provide a professional statement addressed by FUMUKU. But me? I'm like janitor level there. Why they trust me to write a public statement given by FUMUKU?)
Forums are OOC unless actually roleplayed. Which you did not. By that logic I can say whatever I like, without any indication it's In-Character and not be punished? Didn't think so. Maybe you should stick to mopping floors.
(May 20, 2017, 09:20 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ] (May 20, 2017, 08:14 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ] (May 20, 2017, 07:30 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ] (May 19, 2017, 10:20 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]I understand the warning from the ATF, but don't you guys require evidence for those serious actions?
Not to mention this article seems to be lacking any actual evidence itself to back up it's claim. For all we know these FUMUKU members could be being arrested for something that exposed a government corruption or those could not be even FUMUKU Members at all. Could just be 6 midgets dressed up on top of each others' shoulders.
Instead of taking everything to OOC, you know you could always..roleplay? the actual point of this server is roleplaying you know.
Make a public statement in regards to the issue, not everything can be dealt with out of character.
(I never said it was OOC. All I stated was a huge error by a serious department of the government and questioned the legitimacy of the news article. Am I not allowed to criticize a poorly written article and a set of actions or is that not considered roleplaying? Instead of immediately becoming extremely aggressive towards my IC criticism and dragging it into OOC because of my stance on this ridiculous aggression towards FUMUKU (And don't lie, that's what this is about), maybe you could realize that I was poiting out flaws that you could fill to make your article better. That way it looks more backed up with evidence instead of some news journalist that found some pictures on Buzzfeed and plastered a title on it. After all, I don't seem to be the only one who wants to see evidence of this IC.)
(Also I can state my IC opinion without havinng to get FUMUKU's O.K. My character is a member of society. My superiors can provide a professional statement addressed by FUMUKU. But me? I'm like janitor level there. Why they trust me to write a public statement given by FUMUKU?)
Forums are OOC unless actually roleplayed. Which you did not. By that logic I can say whatever I like, without any indication it's In-Character and not be punished? Didn't think so. Maybe you should stick to mopping floors.
Well, this is news to me. I assumed most posts in the roleplaying section were IC by default unless stated otherwise. Alright Welker, I'll make sure to put a big stamp that says IC just for you.