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Full Version: PR on [L²:RP] GlockyGlock
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Name of Player: [L²:RP] GlockyGlock

SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:0:138120535[/b]

Server: V4B1

Time: (In UTC+0) 21:00

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke.  Unvalid reason to hostage a person (I came to lake and ask who mug here someone and he pull out his weapon told me to come and then told me give 2k then he told me to face the wall and kill me  , RDM  also think that me metagame I stop him 4 h ago and arrest him maybe he would take a revenege for last time.

Got only this.
Thank you for your player-report, BOT Emilia.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
GlockyGlock has 48 hours to explain his kill reason especially after the victim has said that he will pay in chat.
Additionally would like to note that you cannot demand $2000 from a person, that's the hostage sum that the government/family/friends would pay in exchange for the hostage, not the hostage themselves (they can choose to pay but don't have to). What happened there was a mugging, you just took him away and demanded money under gunpoint, maximum sum $500.

why were you so uncompliant? For all you know it was another mugging, yet instead of being scared (FearRP) and complying with his demands, you were all "why?" in IC chat and kept complaining in local OOC, over and over. "You have no right" this "you cannot hostage me" that, "calling admin" here, "im getting PR proof" there. Stop. If you think someone is breaking the rules, make an @ call and gather evidence. There is no need to stop the RP situation over and over and keep delaying it with LOOC. Let me note that you didn't make a SINGLE @ call during this time. You had the time to make 16 LOOC remarks before making an @ call, and that happened after you got killed already.
So sorry about that , get super mad I have eh like bad situation IRL , there were no active admins on at the server.

Btw can a witness of this whole situation join or he is not needed.
If there was a witness they can post if they wish but I cannot take their word alone as evidence.
Sure thing gonna ask him.
I would like to note BOT Emilia, that just because you don't see any online admins does not mean nobody gets notified. If any admins are on on any server, including event, build and test servers, they get the notice. In addition, there is Discord.

My point being that you should send an @ call regardless. You might be surprised and actually get a response. It is so much more productive than .// complaining constantly.
Yeah I sorry I just get mad , I didn't know that the admins get noticed even if they are not on the server .

Permanent warning will be issued in light of the massive non-compliance of the reporting player.