May 5, 2017, 07:24 PM
Name of Player: [L²:RP] GlockyGlock
SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:0:138120535[/b]
Server: V4B1
Time: (In UTC+0) 21:00
Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. Unvalid reason to hostage a person (I came to lake and ask who mug here someone and he pull out his weapon told me to come and then told me give 2k then he told me to face the wall and kill me , RDM also think that me metagame I stop him 4 h ago and arrest him maybe he would take a revenege for last time.
Got only this.
SteamID: [b]STEAM_0:0:138120535[/b]
Server: V4B1
Time: (In UTC+0) 21:00
Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. Unvalid reason to hostage a person (I came to lake and ask who mug here someone and he pull out his weapon told me to come and then told me give 2k then he told me to face the wall and kill me , RDM also think that me metagame I stop him 4 h ago and arrest him maybe he would take a revenege for last time.
Got only this.