Server [US/EU]: Any
Map: Evo
Description: As an anarchist, you can demote any other anarchist.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: IG
Since when have you experienced the bug? Forever.
Additional Information: Well you just do /demote ID [reason] and it demotes anyone on your team.
Images/Screenshots: N/A
Thank you for your bug-report, ExorbitantCorgi!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
probaly because there is no anarchist leader.
Don't like the anarchists? I go anarchist, kick them all, leave.
(Apr 30, 2017, 02:00 AM)ExorbitantCorgi Wrote: [ -> ]Don't like the anarchists? I go anarchist, kick them all, leave.
and after that you probaly get banned.
Yes you can, because there is no leader. Like said. And as always, you need a valid reason to demote someone, not like "I demoted him because I didn't like him"
But anarchists aren't affiliated with each other unless they set their job names, they shouldn't have any authority to demote someone.
(Apr 30, 2017, 02:42 PM)McCorgi Wrote: [ -> ]But anarchists aren't affiliated with each other unless they set their job names, they shouldn't have any authority to demote someone.
if they randomly demote eachother, they get banned. If they work together the group can decide to demote someone if they have a rp reason.