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Full Version: PR - [XG] Diesel , Wheatcake, Corgi
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Two broadcasts. Either way, regardless of cause, I had a warrant.
1 Broadcast.
Second broadcast was when you entered my office, so this is eh.

Of course you get a warrant when you threaten to kill me before i sent the broadcast.
You were killed when you made the broadcast in the office. I don't care about the CAUSE of the warrant, regardless, I HAD a WARRANT. [2]
Hell, you even admit to calling backup. If there was shots, I assume we had a gun to your head.
From my point of view, it seems like you were trying to lure me and the rest of the goverment into a shootout.
To start with, your death threats had no reasoning behind them, you never adverted or expressed any of your demands because you never really had any.
It seems like you knew the death threats would get you a warrant, which doesnt really grant you the "okay" to go raid a federal building to kill the president (refer to rule 14.2d).
You didn't even know if it was the me (president) who issued the warrant.
To sum up, at no point did you express any demands, you first and last word that I should die but at no point did you brought up a single law that needed change.
Also you never tried any passive way to get me to change whatever you didn't like.
As you can clearly see from the screenshot, you sent threats before I could broadcast anything.
What do you expect, I want some money for you slandering my name? lol.
And, AGAIN, the raid WASN'T BECAUSE OF THE WARRANT. For the like, third time or so, your FALSE broadcasts initiated it.
I'm done defending everyone. Diesel or Wheatcake can give their side as Nebula is just going in circles.
Can you point me where exactly in my broadcasts was your name slandered and also the part where you requested money for "slandering" you?
Read that again. I'm not explaining myself.
I still stand by my point, you never asked for money throughout the whole situation. Also my broadcast never named you specifically nor do you have a "name" to slander.
Anarchist are already hated by civilians due to their views/actions. Can you also reason why BEFORE the broadcast, you were sending death threats without demands?
Corgi, can you give your reason to why you were sending death threats before the broadcasts? If not, I will be concluding this soon with the evidence I have now.
Because we were anarchists. We're anti-government. We didn't like the President.
(Apr 30, 2017, 12:41 AM)ExorbitantCorgi Wrote: [ -> ]Because we were anarchists. We're anti-government. We didn't like the President.

So you sent death threats to the president
let him warrant you
sent a broadcast to identify your group as terrorists for these threats
and you used that as an excuse to raid him?

That's like breaking into someone's house, getting threatened by the owner to be shot if seen at the house again, and then going to the same house and killing the owner...
No. He made up FALSE stories in broadcast. That's the point. He never mentioned our death threats, he was making up stuff about how we killed innocents or did something with a store.
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