Anyways, does anyone else have any questions about this topic so the teachers can conclude this?
(Apr 17, 2017, 12:44 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]Anyways, does anyone else have any questions about this topic so the teachers can conclude this?
What is a realistic situation where a citizen runs from the police?
(Apr 17, 2017, 01:01 AM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 17, 2017, 12:44 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]Anyways, does anyone else have any questions about this topic so the teachers can conclude this?
What is a realistic situation where a citizen runs from the police?
They can have a background of police abuse, have an open warrant, or were attacked recently. Anything that may frighten the driver really. Aslong as you RP it out more than "I just wanted to run", or "I didn't want a ticket!" you will be fine.
Everyone is a functional member of society until they're not
(Apr 17, 2017, 02:42 AM)akne Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone is a functional member of society until they're not
That's why we have /job!

Anymore questions you wish to be answered on this topic?
Due for closure by Sunday if no further questions are asked.
it's Monday you silly moo.
Question Answered
Closed and Archived.
You are allowed to run away from Police as a Citizen, so long as you have proper RP reason, (not just "I didn't want a ticket.")