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[Image: 0j6VPen.jpg]                      We need construction workers!        Friday, 14th of April, 2017

Dear all construction workers of EvoCity, 
after the fairly "successful" race at the Bresse Track. We have decided to launch our new business!
The all new "EvoCars Dealerships"! These will be located around the city non stop selling and buying the cars that YOU want! 
What we are requesting is some sort of construction company to give us a quote on what the sort of prices we would need to get the construction work on the role.
The locations that we are currently looking at:

• Grassy Field 

• Waterfront road

• Downtown Road

• Industrial

Our first goal is to get our first ever dealership built by November of this year! Hopefully with your construction help, we will be able to do this!

EvoCars Contact details:
1a Backstreet 
+1 202-555-019

Best regards - 
[Image: fH00FDG.png]
Hello Mr. Melton,

I am Benjamin 'Oz' Arcane, Director of APEX.
We saw your request for a construction and we believe we are up to the task.

Our Project Managers have done some scouting around the area and we estimate the following prices for your request:

• Grassy Field = 25,000 USD

• Waterfront road  = 25,000 USD

• Downtown Road  = 25,000 USD

• Industrial  = 25,000 USD

Total = 100,000 USD

Please contact me or one of our Project managers via our contact details on our website.

[Image: 9cLERD0.png]
Benjamin 'Oz' Arcane
Director of APEX
[Image: 0j6VPen.jpg]        R.E Benjamin 'Oz' Arcane, Director of APEX.                    Friday, 14th of April, 2017

Dear Mr Benjamin 'Oz' Arcane,
I do appreciate your fast response times, is it possible for me to see some examples of the work that has previously been done by "APEX".

EvoCars Contact details:
1a Backstreet 
+1 202-555-019

Best regards - 
[Image: fH00FDG.png]
Dear Mr. Stan Melton,

Our Public Relations department and our Media Manager department has given me the following, these are the only Constructions I am able to show you for now.
[Image: 0j6VPen.jpg]        R.E Benjamin 'Oz' Arcane, Director of APEX.                    Friday, 14th of April, 2017

My colleagues are very impressed with the photographs provided. We have decided to get the funds together and we will be able to make a payment as of the 17th of April, 2017.
Do you happen to take American Express Small business credit cards? If not, I could find another solution to pay.

EvoCars Contact details:
1a Backstreet 
+1 202-555-019

Best regards - 
[Image: fH00FDG.png]