Apr 14, 2017, 02:36 AM
]Player Report 1
Name of Player: ♈ Coupcake ♈
Server: [EU] Limelight [EvpCoty_v4b1] [Semi-Serious]
Time: 1:11PM GMT.
Summary: User has a massive 'earth' prop and throwing it around.
You can barely see where the ball is, but if you look behind the tree facing towards Top Street, you can distinctly see it.
[img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/170417184424470803/575AF8B9341A84DCC61BB24AD7044157AE24C065//img]<br />After looking back, I realized I didn't get any of the player viewer thing, however, if logs are checked he'd be one who spawned an earth prop similar to the time provided.<br /><br />Also, when checking on the screenshots, it says this:<br /><br /><br />I dont know if you can edit that but if you can then I didn't.