Welcome to d0odle's Notepad of Wonders!
Feel Free to Look Around!
- Pockets (Bulk & Unlimited)
- Steroids (Bulk & Unlimited)
- Fish (Unlimited) = Offers.
- 1x Classic Piano = 10k
All Prices ARE Negociable. Please feel free to make any offers you see fit.
PM Me In-Game (d0odle)
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How much fish is per each?
EDIT: When you dont read the full post, my offer is 300 dollars each, is that OK?
(Apr 14, 2017, 07:54 AM)Vatipaa Wrote: [ -> ]How much fish is per each?
EDIT: When you dont read the full post, my offer is 300 dollars each, is that OK?
Depends on how many you need?
Bulwark wishes to provide you with any pharmaceuticals you require. This includes Steroids! Feel free to contact us in-game, or hop into one of our pharmaceutical stores, Usually located at AM PM!
Head of Pharmaceutical Products Department (HOPPD)
~ Coupcake
I think you will not sell anything anymore because autoclicker

Why did you use it?