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Full Version: PR, Lecho
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[b]Name of Player:[/b]Lecho

[b]SteamID: [/b]STEAM_0:1:119824004

[b]Server: [/b]Vb41

[b]Time: [/b] (In UTC+0)18:00

[b]Summary:[/b] He broke FearRP as can seen in video. I aimed at him, but he starts to run away from me.
EDIT: He also threatened me in Local OOC by saying "I will revenge you" after i made the report. Admin can check
for that in logs. Time was about 18:00 - 18:46 in Finland time.

[b]Evidence:[/b] The video
Thank you for your player-report, MacGyver.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.

When you pulled out your gun I could not see it. I just ran away because you rushed me, you had a rifle, but why wouldn't you take taser instead of a AR...  And btw, never told to my to anything (Any Order, to stop Et.c)

you clearly turn around at 0:14 so you were definitely aware of the gun at that point but kept running.
2.1c You cannot run away from someone when they have you at gunpoint.
He is obviously chasing you, and he has a gun, an order to stop is preferred but not required.