Apr 8, 2017, 07:17 PM
Name of Player: Corgi
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59595937
Server: rp
Time: now
Summary: 19.2 Do not promote anything conflicting with the rules in adverts, broadcasts, laws or by other means.
(people have been banned for the exact same reason)
![[Image: 2e3324a42bdc4c4fb3210cfbbae590b8.png]](https://image.prntscr.com/image/2e3324a42bdc4c4fb3210cfbbae590b8.png)
![[Image: D588C5B00F5631274641389445D0BBAA1B23D710]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/169290807006575358/D588C5B00F5631274641389445D0BBAA1B23D710/)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59595937
Server: rp
Time: now
Summary: 19.2 Do not promote anything conflicting with the rules in adverts, broadcasts, laws or by other means.
(people have been banned for the exact same reason)
![[Image: 2e3324a42bdc4c4fb3210cfbbae590b8.png]](https://image.prntscr.com/image/2e3324a42bdc4c4fb3210cfbbae590b8.png)