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Full Version: [UPCOMING] Mad Light
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A glimpse of the world that many will be joining soon.

Welcome, to the Mad Light Universe.


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1. Props and mechanics will be welded on your vehicle if it is roleplayed.

2. Killing for the smallest of things is allowed, but should be roleplayed and should fit your character.

3. You may use your vehicle to run over enemies, but should follow Rule #2.

[Image: j1pbOQL.png]

The Undying Kane's Worshippers

The Wasteland is a ruthless place, unforgiving to those who are weak but those who are under the wings of the Undying Kane have been promised the life of their dreams, a life full of properity and a safe haven.

Undying Kane - 1/1
The ruler of the Territory, Undying Kane has what most people want. Source of water. This gives him endless power in his territory, but also makes him the target of the neighbouring territories.

Undying Kane's Elite [Resource Manager / Commander / Elite Guard]
The Undying Kane's Elite deal with his internal and external affairs. They are his most trusted, and his most loyal.

Worshipping Warriors
One cannot rule a territory with a resource of water in the Wastelands without having strong warriors to make sure he keeps it that way. The Worshipping Warriors are feared for their brutality and methods.

Worshipping Guards
The Worshipping Guards make sure their territory and water is safe, they are the fist of Undying Kane in the city, to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to do.

Worshipping Citizens
The citizens are the ones who are trying to survive in a world that is nothing but sand and dust. They try to find peace and happiness where there is none.

Burning World Alliance

After surviving in the Wasteland for years in a fortified ex-prison, The BWA have fallen into the territory of Undying Kane searching for resources and water. 

Burning World Alliance Leader 
The person behind the successful survival of the group, the leader decides what their next course of action is and decides the roles of the people in the group.

Burning World Alliance Co-Leader 
The BWA's Co-Leader acts as an advisor to the Leader. He is the Second in Command.

Burning World Alliance Soldier (Scout/Marksman/Medic/Assault)
The Soldier's of BWA are survivalists, tactical and well-trained under the command of the leader.

Burning World Alliance Engineer 
The BWA Engineers are tasked with the repair of found vehicles, fortification, temporary base creation and overall production of weaponry and repair of weaponry.

Burning World Alliance Colonists
The Colonists of the BWA are tasked to make a habitable territory for the ones that are to arrive one everything is deemed ready.


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Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Applying For:
Character Name:
Character Description:
Character Background:

[Image: h6Ak0t8.png]


Fallout Mapping Kit - Part 1:
Map Content - 1:
Map Content - 2:
Map Content - 3:


Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

 for helping with the lore.
  helping plan the event.
 working on vehicle skins to fit the event.
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin <3
This gon' be good. 
Oooh this looks fun
Thread has been updated with details about the event. Applications can be made.
Steam Name: Stell90
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79631689
Bans: 0
Blacklists: 2
Applying For: Burning World Alliance Engineer.
Character Name: Lewis Holland
Character Description: 33, Hard working, Angry.
Character Background: Worked as an airforce engineer for several years also has worked as an
officer of the law in the past. Allowing him to know how to help with soldiers, and knowing
how guns work so he knows how to repair/make them.
As he worked as an airforce engineer he is able to understand mechanical failers and how to
repair them.
He likes to work as a team with other people so that they can combine their knowledge to crea-
te great machines.
Steam Name: [C3] 26
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:115589925
Bans: 0
Blacklists: 2
Applying For: Undying Kane
Character Name: Undying Kane
Character Description: 40-60 years old, Ugly, Mean.
Character Background: Intimidating, never to be crossed. Legend has it, he is immortal! Was always interested in the mighty V8's, wouldn't allow a V6 in his sight.
Steam Name: Nebula
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80111414
Bans: 0
Blacklists: 2
Applying For:
Burning World Alliance Engineer
Character Name: Wilhelm Winter
Character Description: 29 Years old | German Accent |
Character Background: He worked his whole life in an Auto Garage, thats what he did his whole life. As a small child, his father worked often with him on his old car, and when he was a teenager he made a training as a car mechanic. And thats what he did, his whole life.
However, he never had a gun in his hand and refuses to hurt other people, except when there is no other way out.
Steam Name: T dat Bone
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133327522
Bans: 0
Blacklists: 1
Applying For: Burning World Alliance Soldier (Marksman)
Character Name: Stephen Green
Character Description: 26 Years old | German Accent | Disciplined |
Character Background: A top Marksman in his Unit. Part of the Army he served 8 years.
Deployed in the Iraq War and killing many high value targets. He knows he is made for Duty.
Steam Name: [10CCE]Francysol3c
Steam ID:
Bans: 0
Blacklists: 3
Applying For: BWA Soldier - Medic
Character Name: Spc. Alexis 'Franc' Wagner
Character Description: A young soldier, maybe too idealistic. Rather good-looking, black haired, normal build. Has advanced medical competences. Over all a fairly nice guym even if sometimes too emotional.
Character Background: 22 years of age, was an advanced medical technician before the war. His current occupation is as a Specialist in an infantry unit of the BWA. Has good medical knowledge, but lacks in combat expertise.
Steam Name: Welker
Steam ID:
Bans: 1
Blacklists: 4
Applying For: Burning World Alliance Engineer
Character Name: Hans Gruber
Character Description: In his 20s, aggressive and strong willed
Character Background: Not that bright, but great with tools. Has vast skills in mechanic and engineering.
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Nudelsalat im Panzer
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:134230354
Bans: 3 (Last one over one year ago)
Blacklists: 2
Applying For: Burning World Alliance Soldier (Assault)
Character Name: Johann Von Wolf
Character Description: 34 - German - Racist - Aggressive - Great at shooting
Character Background: Pretty aggressive ex-unit of the german special force "GSG-9". Is well known in the BWA as an heartless soldier.
rip ill hopefully re-apply soon.
A glimpse of the world that many will be joining soon.

Welcome, to the Mad Light Universe.

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