Charred remains of FUMUKU director found
Charred remains of Fumuku director, Ronald Lynch has been found in Fish Avenue this evening. Police found Mr. Lynch tied to a pole, executed. The motives of this attack are unclear, but what is clear is the brutality of gang violence Evocity has escalated to. One of the two hundred and fifty seven deaths reported, this month alone.
Police commissioner, Alan Yeung says
"The investigation on the death on Ronald Lunch is still ongoing. All I can say is he did not commit suicide. We are sure he got murdered by someone which will be found after the investigation. We urge any citizen who can provide information about the death of Ronald Lynch to our Detective Bureau.”
Photograph provided by internal media correspondent
Editor - Morgan Welks
5th april 2017
Point of order: You cannot decide a character is who you wish them to be when they are not RPing said character ingame, this was made clear to you during this
(Apr 4, 2017, 06:21 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Point of order: You cannot decide a character is who you wish them to be when they are not RPing said character ingame, this was made clear to you during this
HR didn't seem to have a problem with it. Same name, same company. I'm sure HR would be happy to clear up this issue with you.
Job rules are clear on this: 9.1 Custom job titles must accurately state what character you intend to roleplay.
You kidnapped a Security Officer, not a Director, you cannot change the job title of another persons RP because you feel like it suits your RP more.
(Apr 4, 2017, 06:26 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Job rules are clear on this: 9.1 Custom job titles must accurately state what character you intend to roleplay.
You kidnapped a Security Officer, not a Director, you cannot change the job title of another persons RP because you feel like it suits your RP more.
Job title or not. You were
Ronald Lynch, Director of Fumuku. I find it highly improbable two people with the exact same name work in the exact same company. Once again I say, I'm sure or "" would be happy to clear this up for you. Just because you're unhappy you got killed doesn't mean you can manipulate the character rules to your liking.
Please stop arguing about this. Keep the chatter relevant to the article without it ending up in a flamewar.
I'll start issuing warnings if this continues.
I've spoken to both Daley and Blackdog about the verdict on this which is that the character in this case is Ronald Lynch which is confirmed to be the director of FUMUKU.
Let's drop the salt. This is a game, and it's meant to give you fun and joy. If you feel that a situation like this is a dramatic big thing then you might be in too deep. Take a deep breath. Seriously guys, ClanRP is meant to be fun and creative. This is part of having a big clan that has existed for many years. You have your ups and you have your downs, but it's not worth all this drama and bickering. Either realize that you all share an interest for clans and RP revolving and that you guys aren't mortal enemies but rather very devoted to your clan, or end up being remembered in LL history as "that salty group who took everything way too seriously and caused a shit-show because of something so small and insignificant". I'm talking to both sides of this conflict here. Keep it IC. We don't need this drama on our community.
- End of that discussion -
The ECPD Chief of Detectives, Francis Reagan, has made the following statement:
Clearly gangs, are one of the biggest drivers of crime. Crime today is very different than what it was in the past, there’s a lot less crime, but what we find, still, is a real problem with gangs and crews. The ECPD is putting more and more of their efforts into combating gangs and crews and a lot better intelligence gathering going on – much better use of social media, in terms of figuring out how gangs are communicating and what their intentions are. It’s very much connected to what we’re trying to do with neighbourhood policing, because we need to bring our police closer to neighbourhood residents, neighbourhood leaders – we need that information source. A lot of times there are folks in neighbourhoods who can help us figure out what’s going on. So, we want to get that to happen more consistently.
But, you know, the ECPD is working with the District Attorney's, working with the US attorneys, and working with the special narcotics prosecutor, they’re very aggressively going at gangs. I got one example right here – that we had a major take down last week – 12 members of two gangs in EvoCity were brought up on charges. But these gangs had three murders and five attempted murders, they were charged with between them. But again, one example of the ECPD Detective Bureau leading an enforcement effort – two gangs, 12 members arrested in the process, that’s just on enforcement effort by ECPD, and you’re going to be seeing a lot more. So, we’re very, very focused on combating and infiltrating gangs.
We hope that anyone who has information to give us, not only on this incident but also on other incidents, will come forward. The streets of this city will not be clean until we can all work together to make it so. Thank you.
soooo this is the end of FUMUKU? :o
(Apr 4, 2017, 10:36 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]soooo this is the end of FUMUKU? :o
Nope , 10 years and still goes strong and healthy

(Apr 4, 2017, 06:26 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Job rules are clear on this: 9.1 Custom job titles must accurately state what character you intend to roleplay.
You kidnapped a Security Officer, not a Director, you cannot change the job title of another persons RP because you feel like it suits your RP more.
wait did the journalists kidnap the crime victim for the report?
(Apr 5, 2017, 11:06 AM)MrMarsh Wrote: [ -> ]wait did the journalists kidnap the crime victim for the report?
It was a slow news day I guess
at last someone wins against them.
this is the start of the downfall