(Mar 21, 2017, 10:32 PM)Temar Wrote: [ -> ]
Voice Radio is now Released.
with this you can communicate using voice to your teams / private groups / clans.
voice radio uses your Suit Zoom Key.
/voice team - transmit to your team (default)
/voice private- transmit to your Private group (same a /pradio)
/voice clan - transmit to your clan
/listen all - Listen to all channels (team, private, clan etc)
/listen send - Listen to only the channel your using
/listen none - Turn radio off (also prevents sending)
i get a video make for this now i got my new recording system.
Very nice to see this
I remember the hassle with the commands and the keys you would need to use to provide a somewhat decent experience but you seem to have got a great solution, with just two commands, that you can vary after your desires.
Hopefully many people will like this update, it really enhances the RP a hell lot more

Well I have perm banned so I haven't used it much but it sounds cool
Necroposting. Warned.