(Jan 31, 2018, 10:01 PM)Boshine Wrote: [ -> ]Sig Or Avatar: Both
Name: Boshine
Other Text: You can run, but you can't hide
Anything Else: Thick font.
Hello, Thank you here is your order!
Hope you like!
Forum Avatar (100x100)
Steam Avatar (200x200)
Forum Signature (600x200)
Guess who's back, back again...
Sig Or Avatar: Signature
Name: Fealz
Other Text: N/A
Pictures Involved: Try to make it look like the same style as the avatar that you made for me
I'm going to have to start paying for graphics soon, lol
(Jan 26, 2018, 09:08 PM)Envy Wrote: [ -> ]Custom clothes is like really popular at the moment where I live and I thought that doing my own would help towards my Final Major Project in College so I decided to go for it.
Started off by Googling random Italy Words and landed on Riventi.
Ordered some samples and got them delivered today, Really happy with the outcome and I have actually received a lot of Pre Orders.
Here is some screenshots: (Images will of lost some quality due to being sent from phone)
Thought this would be best place to showcase
Preview of whats coming up
Sig Or Avatar: Avatar
Name: Fealz Moderator (Moderator text under Fealz)
Other Text: N/A
Pictures Involved: the Same avatar as you just made me but I want the outline to be red
Just to clarify: This is not for my forums avatar
Same as but I need my outline in purple and it needs to say boshine. Thanks, envy!
Sig Or Avatar: both
Name: Ozzie
Other Text: Did I help you or RP with you? Click the sig to rep me. < (Small writing at the bottom of sig)
Pictures Involved:https://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/579074461712974939/0C70956CA13E99E867F51A3C82EC89FF7C00B258/
^ or another decent one you can find?
Anything Else: no
Gif: (Y/N - Must Provide Gif image)
Thread (Can take long)
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