Hello for the last 3-4 days I join play for couple of minutes and then I start getting connection issues
Today (Wednesday 15) I started to get connection issue then I connected back
i have LAN and the speeds are good
I heard someone else had this issue but I need to find a fix
i will keep updating if I find anythink
Do these issues start to happen at a certain time, or is it constant?
said this in one thread and im not an expert of this kind of things but:
Please add -condebug to your launch options then attempt to join the server. Once you've experienced your issue, exit out of GMOD and go to your base GMOD directory. There you should find a file called console.log
Open that up then copy it's contents over to a pastebin them PM it to me or post it here.
ok i do that later i forgot about that
I was going to try and identify whether it was network related or not first 
Is it time specific?
its just happened when i was on corner
then the other day it did it while i was fishing.
(Mar 17, 2017, 07:51 PM)Gamerpro2266 Wrote: [ -> ] its just happened when i was on corner
then the other day it did it while i was fishing.
If it just around 10 mins ago, I think there was a server crash/restart as it has also happened to me but it was fine when I reconnected like I would do when there has been a server restart/crash.
I believe I saw you on a few times over the weekend. Has your issue lowered since or is it at the very same cause? Might have just thought I saw you.
(Mar 21, 2017, 01:03 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
I believe I saw you on a few times over the weekend. Has your issue lowered since or is it at the very same cause? Might have just thought I saw you.
Yer I haven't lost connection for a while.
By any chance, are you in the UK, and if so, using BT?
yes iam in uk but i dont use bt
yes but its not Limelight its my Wifi
so this can be closed
Sounds good! Glad you've managed to identify the issue. As you've requested this to be closed, I'll do that now!
If you struggle with this further, please PM me or another Teacher to get this reopened.