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Full Version: Saying bye to my little friends.
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Well chaps, I have surgery in a few days to remove a recent addition to my body; fortunately the Surgery is low risk but 
I will be using this thread as a memory for my new-found friends that have taken semi-permanent residency in my Gallbladder.

On the 13th I will be having keyhole surgery and hopefully a speedy recovery, so that's relatively good. 
But I will sincerely miss my Gallbladder of which I have named "Jeff". Please show your respects to our fallen companion "Jeff".

While I have been in Hospital I have decided to write a small speech in the memory of Jeff, it has been included below.

Oh Jeff, what a future we had together. But alas like two ships in the night we were just not meant to be; I hope it was worth causing me so much pain now that you have to leave, But it ends not there! Even after you have left my life I will still be in pain for weeks (Apparently) and you will be gone, moving on with your existence. Oh Jeff? Why did you make it so?.

1 like = respect 4 Jeff the Gallbadder.
Good luck mate! We will miss Jeff.
Good Luck

Smile Smile