Hmmm, they exsist for me, strange
-autoconfig is definitely a correct command-line parameter, but it's interesting that your game doesn't see this. You've tried verifying your game cache and reinstalling right?
ok I think I quit trying to get LL on my mac, it's just not made for that and I have a small laptop that runns
LL quite acceptable...
Yeah maybe I try that, but ist weird that build Server runns perfectly, the RP Server crashed
And thanks to all for you help guys

I'll Keep you up to speed, if there are new developments
The build server has a lot of key gamemode elements stripped from it (for obvious reasons) so that could be an explanation as to why you can connect there but not the main server.
I'll keep watch over the thread too in case I can help further!
Thanks to you Nightmare and all others, I'll try to get it working...
Could you provide us with an update on the situation?
Unfortunately, nothing has changed, still the same issue.
I think my mac is just not capable of performing LL, but it's off that the build server is running,
the RP server though not..
Would you be able to supply me with an up to date comment on what happens as you join the server or enter Garry's Mod. Please note anything that is required or happens.
the Situation hasn't changed, I still have the same issue as mentioned at the beginning of this thread.
Alright, could you follow these steps for me please?
1) Verify the installation of your Garry's Mod. You can see the GIF below if you don't know how to do this.
2) Check and see if the issue is resolved. If unresolved, continue.
3) Add -dxlevel 90 to your commandline. (Please note that this will force a resolution on your computer, don't change this.)
4) Check and see if the issue is resolved. If unresolved, continue.
5) Reinstall the game entirely, ensuring all files go with it. You'll need to redownload the map as well.
If these don't work then I've got one more step to try before we proceed.
Hey .
Have my steps made a difference?
Is currently not home and will return tomorrow (or on sunday, not sure). He does not have acces to his Computer at this time.
I followed all your suggested steps. Now I can join the server and slay with a decent FPS of around 25, but with mayor screen freezes. 0-2 min on the server the game crashes.
I think the game is running out of RAM capacity...
However, thanks for your help!