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[b]Banned by:Pinky[/b] Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag.

[b]Server: Gmod roleplay[/b] 

[b]Ban Reason:Not here to rp, Proppushing.[/b]

[b]Why should you be unbanned?: It was my bad that i proppushed but i had a reason.
First of all did i get abused by police officers from the beginning and i got jailed 2 times
for no reason. And i was very upset so i couldent do anything so i started trhowing props.
It was very dumb of me to throw props i could just wait for an admin to come online and take
it from there. I apalogise to the one that got mad at me for proppushing and i wil never do
it again. And second of all i Just donated becuase i loved to rp on the server and then this
happened but it was my fault. The only thing i can do is to never do it again and apalogise
to the police officers that i proppushed.[/b] 

[b]Evidence:I dont have any evidence becuase im not recording when im playing. I think i will
start recording from now on so i can show u admins the truth, but i dont have any evidence
from everything.[/b]
The staff-members have received your unban-request, vahandersavvas.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Denied due to separate ban ID #5055