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Name of Player:REPORTER:[L²:RP]  [LRP:SA] Steve(OFFENDER:DannyDaGamer)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88743684

Server: v4b1

Time: 12:34 ENG

Summary: NLR,RDM,Killing A Police Officer For No Reson As Taxi Driver.

Evidence:Whitness(Zookie) https://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c...B97C534A5/
Thank you for your player-report, steve.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
1) Please provide the SteamID of the person you are reporting, not your own SteamID.

2) Your only evidence shows you injured with 2 people with no weapons and you saying "wow RDM". It doesn't prove any of your accusations. Are you able to provide any more evidence?
I have witniss the taxi driver has a gun you gust cant see it sorry for steam id mstake ill update post.
(Feb 28, 2017, 02:48 PM)steve Wrote: [ -> ]I have witniss the taxi driver has a gun you gust cant see it sorry for steam id mstake ill update post.


The logs show beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused player has violated NLR by being killed by a cop, respawning, instantly equipping a gun and killing the cop within 2 minutes, as a chauffeur.

A 2 hour NLR/Weapons blacklist will be issued.