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Full Version: Qannter Player Report
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(Feb 26, 2017, 05:32 PM)Qannter Wrote: [ -> ]Your video shows your point fo view, and its edited and doesnt show my camera angle. it also doenst show the full senario where i reverse and coem back and confrotn my acident. The logs say that. Also its also easy for you to say i intentionaly ran someoen over, when i clearly didnt. as my post acident role play proves it.

What are you talking about? The video clearly shows you stopping your car and going back. And as I said before, I only cut out 1 part and that is when she is sleeping and you are just standing there.

(ps, wtf is up with that writing?)
Accidents happen and you have to accept that. I have clearly described the scenario to prove that it was un intentional, and What happened happened, however i DID take responsibility and went back to the scene and role play it out, i even went to the Sargent to explain the situation and told him honestly what happened. While you on the other hand was talking it OOC with PR threats instead.
(Feb 26, 2017, 06:26 PM)Qannter Wrote: [ -> ]Accidents happen and you have to accept that. I have clearly described the scenario to prove that it was un intentional, and What happened happened, however i DID take responsibility and went back to the scene and role play it out, i even went to the Sargent to explain the situation and told him honestly what happened. While  you on the other hand was talking it OOC with PR threats instead.

You freaking attempted teamkilling, CDM. That's something that should be dealt OOC. You broke the rules. Accept it.
It was not CDM because she was NOT in an upright posture, she was layed down on the floor, sleeping. In that case i did not see her, and basically everything i have been saying this whole time.
(Feb 26, 2017, 07:37 PM)Qannter Wrote: [ -> ]It was not CDM because she was NOT in an upright posture, she was layed down on the floor, sleeping. In that case i did not see her, and basically everything i have been saying this whole time.

I'm done talking to you. Let's just let the admins conclude.
, do you have unedited footage? I would prefer to see what was going on that lead to this situation as the location of vehicles and such come into play. And, I would like to see the boring stuff also. Please don't leave that out.
Sure, I'll upload the whole 6 minutes video
Here it is:
Thank you. Based on what I see, I do agree that he was following the Tahoe, however if did lag behind and should have been able to see the body at the distance that the vehicle was in.

The player did stop, backed up and started to RP with the 'Noooo' type of reaction. I am inclined to believe that Qannter did do a mistake. He if would have drove off and not stopped then it would be a different story.

, I would like you to be aware that CDM is taken seriously. You do need to be aware of your surroundings, if you are going to be using third person, do a quick sweep with your mouse before taking off to be sure that the scene is cleared as you leave. That quick sweep could have prevented this from happening.

If there any final statements before we make a final decision?
Thank you SirWulf for acknowledging that it was a mistake and due to my camera angle, I was not able to see the him on the floor, aswell as the cones where removed last second so I didn't have any road warning. I will be more aware with my surroundings in the future.

User was shown to have run over the Officer that was lying on the floor. However he did stop and return to the scene acknowledging his mistake.

The unedited video does show a Tahoe was in front of him and left right before he took off, but there was enough time that the player should have noticed the body on the floor.

Player has been made aware that next time, check his surroundings carefully before leaving a scene to ensure that the road is clear.

This is a case of an honest mistake, and it was handled with sincerity.
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