Welcome !
Take an advice : ( Don't care about that poll, Look at the good side most people said welcome and the people who said get out they probably just kidding or something )
We always welcome new Members

welcome. Can cant we just add that pole on Mr Minge? jk - well anyways welcome tolimelight. And i gotta dissapoint ya: youll never rule us all. We already have a almighty omnicent leader hiding in the dark...
... his name you ask? is Temar... ... and i can only urge you to stay out of his buisness. Just hours ago one of our fellow staff members announced his "leave" due to allien activity, but it was all just a reverse psychology coverup. When we confronted him he repeated the same generik denial message 3 times.... ... You think it might just have been a joke? Then wait my son till you hear about this: some late hours, moments after we though he exposed himself and his alien friends a shadow came flying by the little village and lightning struck into the ground *drummroll..... Something was following me. Rocket!. When i asked if anyone was nearby i heared a voice coming out of the air... and wosh! Faster then my mind could process it he used his alien powers to teleport me, and showed me some alien stuff. Someone might say it was an older build, some strange map decoration or else.. but i know what ive seen: It was a spaceship - even worse: it was the Mothership. Thats right! Temar is operating a death star hovering above evocity. Thats the whole reason why they considered moving to rockford or v5p. They are afraid well find out, they are afraid some of their allien associates will break out. So thry started building secret shelters on other map parts. Howelse would you explain the steep rice of strange unindentified PMC companys roaming the streets in their dark blue humvees.
You are saying this sounds crazy? You might be thinking im crazy, but brace yourselve: If you are trying to rule us all, bare in mind they are watching you and they dont like when someone other then themselves try to supress their fellow minions *dramatic music
So with this brief warnign regarding our alien staff team id once again have to say: Welcome. I hope you enjoy our community!
'Get out', seeing that tickled me :')
Welcome bud.
Hello and welcome to LimeLight!