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Full Version: Help with hidden rules
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what is your question then? Overlewd seems to have answered all your questions.
(Feb 18, 2017, 11:03 PM)monk Wrote: [ -> ]In-Game

•When acting as a group, you must have the title of the group as well as your position within the group in your job title.
Example: A group of players with the job title "Highwayman" must have a group name as well as their position (example: The Goons - Highwayman) if they are to work together.

This is part of job title rule that requires that your job clearly identifies what you're roleplaying.

You are directly responsible and may be punished by staff for the actions of your group even if you are not the leader nor condone their actions.
Example: If a member of a group you are also in fires at someone you are preparing to take hostage, then RP is void and you could be punished even if you warned them explicitly not to and you are not the leader.

This is not true. Only if you condone the actions is there risk of getting punished.

•When taking a hostage, you must have their consent if you are going to have them hostaged for over 15 minutes.
Example: Self-explanatory.

Again, untrue. This is a RP server and as long as you aren't just holding them in a room not doing anything about him, this is allowed.

•Do not arrest a government official if you yourself are a government official.
Example: If an officer is corrupt and/or is committing crimes, you must allow them to continue.

Very untrue. IMO, if you see someone being corrupt and have RPed the scenario of placing them under arrest, that should be a valid reason to have the player demoted.

•Do not cut wood as a doctor.
Note: I saw someone be told in OOC that doctors are not allowed to cut wood. This isn't specified in the rules, however I would understand them being punished if they were self-supplying and refusing to sell to others.

It's not allowed if they are not doing their job (Chopping trees and just spamming advertisements instead of actually setting up a shop of some kind and only cutting wood part time).

•Do not seek revenge on someone 15 minutes after the event has happened.
Example: Someone calls the police on a player which results in the player having to wait for 15 minutes for the police to leave before they seek revenge on the person who called them. Because 15 minutes has passed, they are no longer allowed to seek revenge.

Never heard this or had to deal with this scenario. I'd just recommend a passive approach before an aggressive one. There really isn't a time limit on it unless you are affected by NLR.


•Do not post more than one unblacklist request.
Note: I had a thread denied because "the rules hadn't been added in the thread for some reason." Just saying.

No comment. Never had this brought up. I believe this is true however as most blacklists are too short to follow a secondary UBL date, as they share the same times as UBR re-requests.
. Do you have anymore questions?
Could you please post them so we can get them answered for you.
provide the questions you want answered or this thread will be archived this Monday (13/3).
You previous questions have been answered by staff members,if you have any follow up questions then feel free to provide them.
Closed as original poster failed to reply.
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