Feb 17, 2017, 01:26 AM
Your Name: tenebi
Ban ID: 4931
Banned by: Temar[L²].
Server: CityRP
Ban Reason: insulting all players?
Why should you be unbanned?: i literally joined the server for no more than 4 minutes, hopped in my friends car then said "you're all a bunch of roleplaying faggots", despite the fact i joined the server for the exact same reason as all of them - clearly a joke that temar didn't take light hearted, and i got an extremely harsh punishment considering i never even got warned, and people are getting 5 day bans for being racist, disrepespecting staff and being disruptive - from the same person. i don't understand why your punishment system is so harsh against jokes - especially when no one filed a complaint against it because it was within seconds of me posting it. i came to play with my friends and get a month ban for a minor offense - this makes 0 sense and i would really appreciate it if i was unbanned.
Evidence: (OOC) tenebi: all of you are roleplaying faggots...
Disconnect: Visit limelightgaming.net for more information about your ban..
Ban ID: 4931
Banned by: Temar[L²].
Server: CityRP
Ban Reason: insulting all players?
Why should you be unbanned?: i literally joined the server for no more than 4 minutes, hopped in my friends car then said "you're all a bunch of roleplaying faggots", despite the fact i joined the server for the exact same reason as all of them - clearly a joke that temar didn't take light hearted, and i got an extremely harsh punishment considering i never even got warned, and people are getting 5 day bans for being racist, disrepespecting staff and being disruptive - from the same person. i don't understand why your punishment system is so harsh against jokes - especially when no one filed a complaint against it because it was within seconds of me posting it. i came to play with my friends and get a month ban for a minor offense - this makes 0 sense and i would really appreciate it if i was unbanned.
Evidence: (OOC) tenebi: all of you are roleplaying faggots...
Disconnect: Visit limelightgaming.net for more information about your ban..