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Full Version: Cardinal Wosleys UBR
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Your Name: Cardinal Wosley (Ingame) Discover (NOW) Dylan Simone (IRL)

Ban ID:4465

Banned by: [L²] Barkles

Server:  CityRP2

Ban Reason:NLR, Had last chance, Over 20 Blacklists

Why should you be unbanned?: I want to be unbanned because i have matured since i last played the limelight roleplay i swear to not break rules i just want to come back to the great community the players call limelight to blend back in with the RP Feture and sdo some RP with the freidns i do deaarly love and i really want to be a civilized player of the limelight Comunity 

Im Sorry 


Dylan Simone
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Djsimone29.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Please fix your template by including a banID.
2016-11-27 20:45:56

this is when you were banned, i hate the be blunt but im not just gonna un ban you because "you've matured" even though its been about 2 months so im not sure you can mature that much.

Any other reason for consideration?
when i first joined ll i came on to have a laugh with friends i didnt think it would esculate to me calling it my pride and joy of rp on gmod but apparently it came to that and now it feels as if it has been taken ffrom me so i waited to mature my self and my understanding of rules on gmod server and i rlly wanna call limelight my home again please i beg give me another chance to prove to you i can rp normaly
Denied. User will remain permed due to the fact the ban was only issued on November