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Your Name:  [L²:RP] Tom

Issued by: L²] Soviethooves

Blacklist ID: 70249

Server: EU main

Why should you be unblacklisted?:  Okay so this was almost a month ago, I took a short break from LL so I wouldn't do something with my anger about this and make it worse. So basically I'm Anarchist and the cops have been finding every chance to fuck us over, so I said to one that he was a fucking pig and Cunt, so then this person runs at me I start running then I see he pulls a gun (This was out of Fearrp Distance) so I pull mine out to then Soothihoves flies in and bans me even though no shots were fired
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, [L²:RP] Tom.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Got remember this scenario. I'll respond once I get it back.
So according to my memory, you were at a Police Checkpoint where you walked up to the officer manning the checkpoint, insulted him, then watched as he ran outside to stop you where you then decided to pull your weapon out to start, what I assume, was going to be a firefight.

In short you found a reason to pull a weapon on a cop by making a reason.
I called him a cunt cause irl I wouldnt expect to to get charged with a gun and I didn't want to be shot so I tried to get him under Gun point to stop but then you swooped in

Closing Notes: You went up to an officer, called him a cunt, and decided to take this chance that YOU just made to use your weapon. You literally made a reason to fight a cop by baiting him in by going out of your way to insult him.