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Arttu Motskari / Mipastu

2017-02-11 23:30:21

Steam ID: 

Name of Administrator: 
[L²] Soviethooves

Evidence: (screenshot so that he doesnt edit his comment)
Blacklist id: 70388

What happened?
- So, i came to play limelight normally and was doing some basic stuff and then soviethooves just took me and told me that "stop screaming on your microphone or fix it, or then just use the text or dont speak at all. your voice is making peoples ears bleed" the funny thing in this was that my audiocard was little bit messy for some reason and i was speaking normally, my friends though. they did understand what i was speaking, but well because soviethooves took me to admin sit from it i decided to try fix it.. Then when we were at apartments, away from all the people so that soviethooves doesn't get mad to me we started to work on it and i was speaking and my friends were saying if its fixed or not but then out of nowhere soviethooves blacklists me for 5 hours from voicechat? this was pretty unfair for me and i decided to make unblacklist request, but what happens. Soviethooves declines it without any kind of discussion! (see the link) and this seems to be really unprofessional and unfair for me as an independent player of limelight because all this was from only messed up computer part, im being punished for my audiocard not working 100% well. i thought punishments were meant for players who brake rules. Not people who suffer bad computer components.

I would have only taken the blacklist and not gone further but the actions of soviethoose was so unprofessional in unblacklist request that i had to do something, he just told what he did, he didnt even try to discuss about this. maybe because he understood that he has done something wrong? 
You broke the rules after you were warned.

You were told to go offline if you needed to fix it or just to type. Just because you believe you are isolated, doesn't mean you can break our rules.

Also, in the admin situation, I told you 4-5 people had reported you and you needed to fix it ASAP or (as said before) fix it offline or just type. I don't need to tell you in person that you are going to be punished, even so as I warned you not even 15 minutes before.

Me suspending you of access is not grounds for an Admin Abuse Case and it's only your fault for "testing" your mic after being warned.
"You were told to go offline "

i was not. This is a lie
You were told to only type or not to use voice until it was fixed. This means go offline from our servers and test your mic before returning if you couldn't play without using voice.
"You were told to only type or not to use voice until it was fixed. This means go offline from our servers and test your mic"

This is just madness, no it doesnt. "Disconnect and fix your mic" means go offline and fix it. you just told me "fix your mic or type". These are two different things, dont you see how this whole thing is full of holes from your end?
Not really seeing as you were warned to fix your mic and only type until you get your mic fixed. And seeing as you ignored the warning, you received a punishment.

Again, this isn't abuse of power. This would require a UBL, which was already denied.
I actually have no argument to go by other than you were warned and you went against that warning.

Continue to argue if you wish, but I have nothing to add unless a reviewing HR member requires it.
Yes. it is not wise to argue about this more for us two. Will wait for higher rank.
As Soviet has pointed out, this doesn't really belong in Admin Abuse case as I cannot see how any powers were abused in this situation.

I do not know the IG situation like you and the administrator in question does, but I do not see how this qualifies as abuse of administrative powers or administrative position.

I can understand your frustration in this case Mipastu, but this doesn't qualify as abuse. I will request for the administrator to explain the reason why a blacklist was issued and why the length was set to the value it was. This will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings that might exist between the two of you in this case. This will however serve as an explanation and not as an appeal as your appeal has been reviewed and concluded by the blacklisting administrator.
Warned you on the roof after I received, I believe 2 @ calls about a mic spammer, and when I teleported to deal with the scenario, I had players around me complain and point in your direction.

I than warned you to only type on the server and not to use your mic on until the problem is fixed or you may receive restrictions (or punishments, however I said it). I heard you use your mic maybe twice after the @ situation and gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were adjusting to not using your mic (As I know personally, going from using a mic easily can get to feel part of "the flow").

About 10-15 Minutes later I overheard you in the Apartments talking to your friends with your broken mic. As I remembered my warning given to you and the amount of players to had to report you before staff had to intervene, I placed the blacklist on you for 5 Hours. Now yes, this could've been shorter, but at the time I believed it was necessary considering the circumstances listed above.
Reviewed and concluded.

No abuse found from the administrator in question. Topic doesn't belong in Admin Abuse section and the UBL has already been reviewed and conclude. Explanation regarding the blacklist in question has been given above.