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Refund Request

Name: Nudelsalat im Panzer
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134230354
Refund details: I was doing some gun dealer RP. A customer wanted some guns and I accidently bought the wrong item. A shipment of Tranq-Snipers for 65,000$. It was about 17:10.
Reason: It was a accident.

I wasnt able to take any screenshots because the console if full of vc_mod errors. Console

Try contacting an Administrator when you are in-game, it seems the be the most useful part at this moment in time for refunds as notices from Overlewd and co have said they'll do it if they are in-game.
(Feb 14, 2017, 04:30 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]

Try contacting an Administrator when you are in-game, it seems the be the most useful part at this moment in time for refunds as notices from Overlewd and co have said they'll do it if they are in-game.

I tried contacting administrators ingame via @-call all over this week. Never got any answer back.
Still no ingame & forum answer.
My refund request got answered 1 hour ago by . Refund has been completted.
This thread can be closed now.
