Feb 12, 2017, 06:28 PM
Refund Request
Name: Nudelsalat im Panzer
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134230354
Refund details: I was doing some gun dealer RP. A customer wanted some guns and I accidently bought the wrong item. A shipment of Tranq-Snipers for 65,000$. It was about 17:10.
Reason: It was a accident.
I wasnt able to take any screenshots because the console if full of vc_mod errors.
Name: Nudelsalat im Panzer
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134230354
Refund details: I was doing some gun dealer RP. A customer wanted some guns and I accidently bought the wrong item. A shipment of Tranq-Snipers for 65,000$. It was about 17:10.
Reason: It was a accident.
I wasnt able to take any screenshots because the console if full of vc_mod errors.