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Full Version: Voicechat blacklist
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Your Name:  Arttu Motskari / mipastu [STEAM_0:0:29106025]

Issued by: [L²] Soviethooves 

Blacklist ID: 70388

Server: Limelight semi-serious RP

Why should you be unblacklisted?: 
I got blacklisted because i "screamed" on microphone, i found out that the problem was in the computer audiocard and we were testing it in our home at apartments, soviethooves did talk to me and told me to use text chat or not talk.. And i was fixing the problem but he just blacklisted me, and this was not anykind of ear-raping or minging, i was just trying to play and RP on the server..  how can i fix it if i cant test it? and i was with my friends only in apartments. it was not like i was doing it in middle of street or in nexus...

-Not needed-
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, mipastu.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

Closing Notes: You were warned. You can test it off the server. When I warn you not to use your mic until it's fixed, I mean it.